Sunday, October 2, 2016

Lajim to set up own party instead of joining Shafie's

Former Sabah PKR chief Lajim Ukin squashed speculation that he may be joining former Umno vice president Shafie Apdal's party, revealing that he intends to lead his own Sabah-based party.
However, Lajim said his party and Shafie's are prepared to join forces, according to The Malay Mail Online.
"We registered the party with the Registrar of Societies on Sept 19. We are hoping that they will approve it, there shouldn't be a problem," he was quoted as saying in a press conference in Kota Kinabalu.
He declined to reveal further details.
Lajim formally quit PKR today, along with Moyog state assemblyperson Terrence Siambun, while Likas state assemblyperson Junz Wong exited DAP.
However, Siambun said he will be joining Shafie's party instead while Wong was undecided.
Nonetheless, they all of them emphasised their desire for Sabah-based parties.
Penampang MP Darrell Leiking had last month also quit PKR to join Shafie's party.
The exodus today was a blow to Pakatan Harapan, as Lajim took with him at least 11 PKR divisions and promised more will come.
Meanwhile, Almost half of the Sabah DAP leadership also quit in favour of Sabah-based parties.
In the press conference today, Lajim claimed he had the backing of 70 percent of PKR's grassroots.

Lajim said he was working on an alliance with other Sabah-based parties, including Shafie's.
“What is important is that we don’t want to clash and compete with other leaders in running for the same seats.
"We can negotiate better with local parties than we can with national parties,
"One thing to consider is the party’s stronghold - Shafie will do best in the east coast, for instance," he was quoted as saying.- Mkini

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