Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Rafizi, three others fined for organising Black 505 rally

PKR vice-president Rafizi Ramli and three others were each fined RM1,950 by the Kuala Lumpur Sessions Court today in connection with organising the 2013 Blackout 505 rally.
Sessions Court judge Mat Ghani Abdullah, however, ordered the fine to be paid before 3pm tomorrow, or face two months' jail.
Rafizi, Seremban MP Anthony Loke, Batu Burok assemblyperson Syed Azman Syed Ahmad and businessman Muhammad Adib Ishar earlier pleaded guilty to an alternative charge under Section 9(1) of the Peaceful Assembly Act 2012 (PAA).
They were charged with failing to submit a copy of approval obtained from Kuala Lumpur City Hall, as owner of Padang Merbok, together with the notice submitted to Dang Wangi district police chief Zainuddin Ahmad on June 12, 2013.
The charge punishable under Section 9(5) of the same Act carries a maximum punishment of RM10,000 fine.
During mitigation, lawyer Gobind Singh Deo who appeared for Rafizi and Loke, argued that their non-compliance of PAA's requirements was only technical.
"Referring to the alternative charge, the accused have failed to submit a notice of approval obtained from DBKL.
"That was the basis of the charge against the accused. I argue that the offence is a technical offence," said Gobind.
He also requested for a fine of not more than RM2,000, which would allow the two elected representatives to retain their seats.
Lawyer Eric Paulsen appeared for Muhammad Adib while Azizzul Shariman Mat Yusoff represented Syed Azman.

It was also argued that their guilty plea had saved the court's cost and time.
DPP Nurul Huda Mohd Noor, meanwhile, said there was a commotion that occurred during the rally day when a group of participants attempted to prevent DBKL officers from dismantling a tent that was erected on the site.
This is despite noting that there were violent incidents reported throughout the day.
All four were accused of committing the offence at Padang Merbok, Jalan Parlimen, between 2pm and 6pm on June 22, 2013.- Mkini

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