Monday, November 28, 2016

Sultan holds audience with Syed Saddiq after open letter

Johor's Sultan Ibrahim Iskandar held an audience with Bersatu Youth leader Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman, after Syed Saddiq's open letter questioning the sultan's decree banning street protests in Johor.
Syed Saddiq, a Johorean, said Johor Crown Prince Tunku Ismail Ibrahim was also part of the audience, at Istana Flinstone in Mersing.
"I am honestly touched and humbled that the Tuanku and his family were willing to meet me and spend time with me, an ordinary citizen," he said.
Promising to work hard for Johor and Malaysia, Syed Saddiq (photo) said the royal family also spoke to him as a Johorean, and not a politician.
He did not state when the audience took place.
"Honestly, before I arrived at Istana Flinstone, I was scared and worried.
"Not because I was afraid you will take action against me for my open letter, but because the letter might have offended you.
"It was not my intention to demean you in my sincere letter," Syed Saddiq said in a second open letter to the sultan.
Upon leaving the audience, he said, he was convinced that the sultan has the people's interest at heart.
"You understand me, an ordinary subject, and you spent time giving advice on the future of Johor and my career.

"I now understand that your actions and decisions are based on your deep love for your land, Johor," Syed Saddiq said.
Although he did not go into details about the discussion, he did not spare praises for Tunku Ismail, whom he said is "visionary".
"He has dreams and plans for everything he ovesees," Syed Saddiq said.
Police earlier said they will probe Syed Saddiq for sedition over the open letter to the sultan on the decree against street protests.- Mkini

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