Friday, December 2, 2016

Perwakilan Go On Strike. MO1 Invited 1200 Perwakilan For Dinner, Only 200 Turned Up. Time To Get Lost.

UMNO Perwakilan go on strike. I received this via sms :

"Jamuan makan malam UMNO hambar.   Meja banyak kosong.   Perwakilan yg datang lepas makan tak sampai 10 minit belah balik.  Najib fed up bengang.  Banyak yang tak datang makan. Pasal tau duit haram.   Ramai perwakilan bengang dan marah ucapan Najib, Zahid dan sayap2 semua mengundang perpecahan,  menyerang sesama Melayu.

Ahli Umno sendiri sudah mula menghukum Najib dan Umno.   Allah Swt sedang tunjukan...
Najib sekali ini berucap pun pegang sapu tangan asyik lap air liur bersembur dan selekeh.   Dalam criminology itu bukti Najib nervous dan ketakutan dan guilty conscious.   Itu bukti orang bersalah.
Jiwa tak tenteram makan duit haram, duit keringat rakyat.  Semua itu Allah Swt sedang tunjukan."

Here are the pictures. Note that this picture was taken during the dinner. Not before or after. Jangan klentong. MO1 is already seated. Dinner is being served. The girl is singing on stage (see the video clip below) :

You can count the tables for yourself. There are at least 120 tables seating 10 people each. That makes at least 1200 guests. There are hardly 200 people in attendance. Most of the tables are empty. Even the Perwakilan UMNO are refusing to attend the Grand Dinner with the party president ! 

And the 200 in attendance  includes the waiters, waitresses, security guards, policemen, bodyguards, butt kissers and ball carriers. 

Where are the Perwakilan UMNO?
Here is the video :

Macam ini sajalah. The Majlis Tertinggi must meet MO1 and tell him enough is enough. Just pack up and leave.  The people really dont want you around anymore. 

Let us be gone with you. 

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