Friday, December 2, 2016


Image result for bsn logo

There are serious rumours flying around about BSN Bank.

People are having problems withdrawing their money from BSN Bank. Over at the BSN Bank website there is this notice :

Well as usual they are not telling us the whole story. 

Question No 1 : For how long has this "unexpected technical glitch suffered during a routine technical procedure" been going on?

Kameel Abdul Halim does not say. Well people say this problem has been going on for about six weeks now - since October 2016.

And people are having problems withdrawing money even over the counter. I was alerted to this problem at BSN by someone complaining about his account at BSN, Jalan Beserah Branch in Pahang.

In October 2016, the account holder's daughter did a cash deposit of RM5000 into her father's BSN account - in another town. The daughter sent the bank-in slip to the father that shows the money has been deposited. 

However until today, one and a half months later, the father has not been able to withdraw the RM5000 because BSN does not have the money in the man's account.

Does it take more than one month to fix a glitch that occured during a "routine technical procedure" ?

I mean, how many BSN executives do you need to screw in a light bulb?

There are other rumours flying of course.  People are worried if BSN is short of cash.

Well, factually, they are not able to withdraw money from BSN ATMs and there are problems with transactions involving the cash deposit machines as well (as per the BSN Notice above).

Things are breaking down.  They say it is a 'technical glitch'. Ok. But for more than one month? 

Bottom line is bank depositors cannot get their money out from their bank.  That is the bottom line. Menyusahkan manusia saja.  And these are the ordinary people.

1 comment:

  1. Ramalan KI JOYO WIJOYO meman memiliki ramalan “GHOIB” yang dijamin 100% tembus adapun ramalan ini di dapat melalui “RITUAL KHUSUS” jadi anda jangan ragu2 lagi untuk mengikuti prediksi KI JOYO WIJOYO karena nomor ritual KI JOYO WIJOYO meman selalu tepat dan terbukti,jika anda mau bukti bukan kata2 silahkan HBG 082 322 214 909 KI JOYO WIJOYO.


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