Sunday, December 25, 2016

Sabah Council of Churches prays for truth on 1MDB, hudud

The Sabah Council of Churches is praying for truth to prevail in Malaysia, especially among those in power.
Council president Rev Jerry Dusing said, among others, truth must be established on the issues concerning 1MDB and the "hudud bill".
"What is the truth of 1MDB? As Malaysians are left in the dark, we find ourselves frustratingly waiting for foreign nations to expose the truth about this mystery," Dusing said in a statement today.
He said lack of truth on the matter compromises the willingness of the public and businesses to respond to public policies and contribute to economic recovery.
1MDB is currently the subject of probes in several countries including Singapore, US and Switzerland, which are looking at allegations money laundering allegations.
Several convictions have been secured in Singapore thus far while Swiss authorities are censuring several banks for lapses in procedure.
1MDB has denied allegations of mismanagement and misappropriation of funds.
Threats to East Malaysian
Meanwhile Dusing also asked for the truth on what he called the "hudud bill", and alleged attempts by Putrajaya to Islamise East Malaysians through "threats, intimidation and deception."
"Sabahans are united in our stand against any deceptive attempt that challenges our guaranteed religious freedom under the Malaysia Agreement 1963," he said.
The hudud bill refers to PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang's private member's bill to amend the Syariah Courts (Criminal Jurisdiction) Act 1965, which the government will be taking over.
While initially meant to remove limits for syariah punishments, Hadi has since revised the bill proposing a higher cap of 30 years’ jail, RM100,000 fine and 100 strokes of the whip.
Both Hadi and Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak has assured that the amendments will only affect Muslims.
Dusing also asked for clarification on claims that amendments to the Income Tax Act 1967 will see non-Muslim religious bodies paying tax on donations.

"All we ask is for the truth to be established and justice restored in accordance with the Malaysia Agreement.
"We pray for divine intervention in the challenging state of affairs of our nation for our sake and the sake of our next generation.
"This Christmas Season, our prayer for Malaysia is that we stay united as a family in truth, justice and peace," he added.- Mkini

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