Friday, December 2, 2016

Stop asking for Malay loyalty, delegate tells Umno

UMNO AGM Umno should stop asking Malays to be loyal to it, said a Johor party delegate.
Kemelah assemblyperson Ayub Rahmat said this is because Umno would be nothing without the Malays.
"The time has come for Umno to stop asking Malays to pledge their loyalty to Umno.
"In fact, it is time for Umno to stop reminiscing on what Umno has given to the Malays.
"Instead it is time for Umno to thank the Malays for the support they had given all this while," Ayub said at the Umno general assembly today.
As such he said Johor Umno believed it is time for the party to renew what it could offer to the Malays.
He said Malay rights was no longer a challenge, but instead the issue now is whether the Malays could compete and succeed in the 21st century.

This "new deal" must address six issues he said, namely making the Malays economically resilient; improving quality of life; ensuring Malaysia is more Islamic while still being moderate; give quality education; good governance and making Malays the best community.
The modern Malay agenda he said, needed to be written down.
Besides showing Umno's gratitude to the Malays, Ayub said the new deal could be used as an election promise, and show that the party isn't just about blind nostalgic politics, but about bringing progress.
The Johor exco member's speech came a day after Umno president Najib Abdul Razak spooked the party by saying that Malay privileges would be eroded should a DAP-led opposition come to power.- Mkini

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