Thursday, January 26, 2017

CNY a time to strengthen racial ties, says PM Najib

Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak has emphasised on the need to strengthen racial ties among Malaysians during this festive period.
In his Chinese New Year greeting, he said: “During this time of celebration, it is an opportunity for all of us, not just the Chinese, to strengthen our ties as Malaysians.”
“We are uniquely blessed to be able to celebrate Chinese New Year and our many other festivals together as Malaysians, as we co-exist harmoniously with mutual respect for one another,” he added.
He said the Chinese want a better and prosperous Malaysia for the future generation, and this can be achieved if the people are united, and focussed their efforts on the well-being of the nation while ironing out the differences and challenges.
“Together, we can surely achieve greater heights for a Malaysia that is more successful, advanced and harmonious.
“I wish all Malaysians, especially the Chinese community, a happy Chinese New Year and a prosperous Year of the Rooster ahead.Gong Xi Fa Cai,” he added in a statement.
Earlier, the prime minister noted that by now, many homes are beautifully decked with red or gold-coloured Tanglungs and decor with auspicious greetings to usher in the Year of the Rooster.
“I am sure many are busy with final preparations and will be travelling to various destinations for reunion lunches and dinners with family and friends.

“I have always admired the Chinese tradition of reunion dinners which has been an enviable custom for centuries, dating back to ancient China,” he added.
Today, Najib said, Malaysians of Chinese descent continue to place great importance in them and their reunions are a must – in order to take stock of family ties and strengthen them.
“Reunion dinners are more than just about delicious delicacies for the Malaysian Chinese, it is also a time when they pay homage to their senior citizens and renew friendships,” he added.- Mkini

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