Friday, January 27, 2017

‘Leakages’ for some, corruption for others

YOURSAY | ‘All these people close to the top leadership are treating GLCs like their father's asset.’
Anonymous 2362021442199789: There are so many 'thieving' fingers in the till that it is a wonder that there is still anything worth stealing. This is just a symptom of a country that has descended down the slippery slope of corruption, starting from the very top.
At one time, we were proud to call ourselves Malaysians but now we only hang our heads in shame as we try to hide our nationality when overseas.
We probably have the world's highest per capita count of titled individuals who carry honorifics from each and every state and at the federal level. Unfortunately, we also probably have the highest percentage of such titled individuals being charged for corruption, abuse of power and position, or simply being undeserving.
It is indeed a sorry state of affairs and there is still no light at the end of the long, dark tunnel.
Headhunter: What better example than this that all these well-connected high-powered people close to the top leadership of the country are treating government-linked companies (GLCs) like their father's asset - to do what they like with it without an iota of shame of guilt.
Thanks to Pandan MP Rafizi Ramli who continue to expose them, which we would otherwise not have known how we are being robbed on a daily basis.
Vijay47: In any country, government, or commercial organisation, there would be almost inevitable instances of what can be accurately described as pilferage or leaking.
But in the case of Malaysia and its benevolent GLCs, such acts are better said to be deluges and outright looting. Things have become so rampant and blatant that many within these bodies have begun to believe that it is their right, duty, or even religious obligation to steal as much as they can.
Felda and Mara can be assumed to be monuments to such theft on such scales and what makes matters more contemptible is that it is done by the very people ostensibly appointed to watch over the wellbeing of the Malays.
There is no regret, no shame and despite MACC's recent fervour, nobody is buying the new plot, not when those at the upper echelons of Umno are spared. As examples, one can ask about the Australian property purchases by Mara, Felda's London hotel venture, its share dealings and of course 1MDB.
Yes, it is all ‘rezeki’.
Docsarna: Only God and Umnoputras will know how many more daughters and sons and nephews and illegal children/spouses of these irresponsible, greedy individuals would had done the same.
Felda was meant to help the Malays improve their themselves, but a handful of these individuals have helped themselves or their family members… be it legal or illegitimate.
Slumdog: Felda chairperson Shahrir Samad, now I understand when you said there were leakages in Felda. Next time just say corruption and everyone will understand what you’re talking about.
Anonymous #28648954: Is there no end to Umno's greed and corruption? Rafizi, please go tell the poor Felda settlers what the Umno leaders are doing. God has truly forsaken this country.
Roar For Truth: For heaven's sake, do a thorough audit on all these GLCs and save Malaysia from these corrupt and greedy officials.
Their religious beliefs have not put the fear of God into them, maybe long prison terms will help others think twice before they blatantly commit such crimes.
Kingfisher: The annual audit reports for the last 10 years would most certainly contain a reservoir of information on the manner and substance of abuses in the management of public funds.
Such information should have enabled any serious agency to finalise and establish from the empirical findings a financial responsibility "digest" for strict implementation.
What we hear repeatedly is continued exhortations for fiscal responsibility and references to guidelines set by the OECD (Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development), etc.
This tall tale is kept repeating and the alert advisory now is that some 30 percent of the public project value will "continue" to become "misappropriated" through mismanagement/corruption. Where does the buck stop?
Headhunter: If we are really serious about eradicating corruption, it's time a royal commission is formed and made up of prominent personalities to get to the root cause and pinpoint those who are involved.
The blood and sweat of hardworking Malaysians have been stolen under their very noses, not by ordinary Malaysians but by the very people who are supposed to be the guardians of our resources.
The pillage will continue as long as the current bunch of thieves are not removed.
Gaji Buta: The development allocation in Budget 2017 is RM48 billion. Thirty percent is RM16 billion. A lot of rich people are being created every year. No wonder, the majority are silent on most issues.
Meanwhile, the non-Malays are still being forced to pay extra five to seven percent for houses and not entitled to many GLC jobs and projects. Who is smart and who is stupid?
Slumdog: National Audit Department director of audit Roslan Abu Bakar, go tell your boss, auditor-general Ambrin Buang, there is no such word as misallocation and don’t use such weasel words to describe rampant corruption in the civil service and GLCs.
Imagine up to 30 percent could be lost through mismanagement and corruption. This would equate to billions of ringgit over the years.
Just reflect on the number of schools that could have been built, improvements to infrastructure, and access to water and electricity that could have been provided to the rural areas if not for the mismanagement of public funds.
Maybe there was no mismanagement and corruption, but “leakages” as described by Felda chairperson Shahrir.
Sa Tombs: Perhaps it is about time that the auditor-general be more realistic about the civil service.
There is absolutely no meritocracy in that sector and almost 90 percent charged with the responsibility of looking after projects are from one race, and what is worse is that most tenders are negotiated to suit Umno.

So there. Now you solve it.
Anonymous_3f94: If Ambrin was so concerned about corruption, theft and leakages, why did he make the Auditor-General's Report on 1MDB an official secret?- Mkini

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