Saturday, January 28, 2017

The call of the Rooster for 2017

Forget about the Pokemon, year 2017 is the year of the Rooster.
People say after a year of monkey’s hanky-panky tricks, now the rooster appears. What we want is a golden rooster that lays the golden eggs. But a rooster that is up to do mischiefs, we can do without it.
And for Teresa Kok, there appears to be yet another twist to the year of the rooster after her previous Chinese New Year greeting a few years ago hit the cyberworld.
In a special Chinese New Year greeting, which has gone viral and receiving over 100,000 hits since it was released just two days ago (on Jan 25), the Seputeh MP has urged all Malaysians to stand united, until that mischievous rooster is finally caught and put into the cage.
Also appearing as guests in the video clip titled “Tangkap Ayam” (catch the rooster) are both Nurul Izzah Anwar and Rafizi Ramli, joining Kok in urging the Chinese community to stand along with fellow Malaysians to address the root cause of our country’s economic woes.
Appearing at the end of the video clip is Amanah’s director of communications, Khalid Samad, who has the privilege of putting the padlock to the cage.
The morale of the story is that the rooster will eventually be caught if the people stay united.
Although the mischievous rooster is able to run fast, and seemingly impossible to catch it; but at the right time, it was finally caught – and locked away in a cage permanently.
Rooster will be elusive
At a time when everyone is tightening the belt due to escalating cost of living, the pet rooster is seen pampering itself with rice as its staple food, whereas its original owner has to survive only on corns (or the equivalent of chicken feed or “dedak”) fit for the fowl.
It is not surprising that the well-fed rooster will be elusive this year and to avoid being caught, the main person alluded to in the video clip will appear as a victim of what is made to appear as a major conspiracy theory, involving a number of important political figures, both locally and overseas.
2017 will be another exciting year. We should keep watching, as I suspect another conspiracy theory will unfold in the coming weeks.
There will be the drama as usual by the same old characters in Malaysian politics. Fingers will be pointed at those who were trying to catch the rooster: “You are cruel to the animal!”
Suddenly, the table will be turned around, and all the people pursuing the rooster will be seen as
part of a bigger conspiracy involving some big names.
Sadly, in the same manner that history has been rewritten to suit certain political agenda, we are going to see how the facts surrounding 1MDB scandal are being twisted around to make it appear that there was a major plot to topple Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak.
I am fair to Najib as such thing could also happen, just like people telling us that it was the Americans who masterminded the attack on the World Trade Centre on Sept 11, 2001 or that the late Teoh Beng Hock strangled himself.
The source of the conspiracy theory being floated is however questionable. There are no names
suggesting who the authors are, and even the main suspect behind the conspiracy is only identified
as one of the people who exposes the conspiracy.
While the intentions are clearly to tarnish the reputation of the people out to catch the rooster, the whole novel-like plot is poorly substantiated and too broad to hold any water.
For example, it does not explain the role played by Penang-born Low Taek Jho (or Jho Low), who is now a person of interest in the investigation carried out by the Singapore authorities.
It also made no mention of the role played by the Malaysian Official No 1 (MO1), despite the well-
publicised civil suit by the US Department of Justice. So, exactly who are supposed to believe the story?
After the stories are being publicised in local Malay dailies, there will be some in the rural areas who may think that the heroes are after all the villains; and the kleptokrats along with their accomplices and beneficiaries, who were identified by the US DOJ, become the victims of the
Because Dr Mahathir Mohamad had blamed the Asian financial crisis entirely on one man named George Soros, the idea of using his name in the plot was obviously to try to cause a backlash to the former prime minister.
When all this happens, which I am predicting here, please remember the “Tangkap Ayam” video clip put together by Teresa and company, and the underlying message that she tries to communicate to all Malaysian on the auspicious Year of the Golden Rooster.

After all, what we want is the golden rooster, not the one full of mischiefs. Happy Chinese New Year!

STEPHEN NG is an ordinary citizen with an avid interest in following political developments in the country since 2008.- Mkini

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