Sunday, February 26, 2017

Jong Nam died within 15 to 20 minutes, autopsy results reveal

The dosage used was high and stopped his heart and other vital organs from functioning quickly.
KUALA LUMPUR: Kim Jong Nam, the half-brother of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, died within “15 to 20 minutes” after being exposed to the nerve agent used to kill him.
This was revealed in the autopsy done on Jong Nam’s body, said Health Minister Dr S Subramaniam at a press conference here today.
He also said the autopsy confirmed the results of preliminary tests by the Chemistry Department, which found that Jong Nam was killed by the VX nerve agent.
This chemical substance has been classified as a weapon of mass destruction by the United Nations.
“The autopsy report will be handed to the police latest by next week, along with new information we obtained.”
According to Subramaniam, Jong Nam was sprayed with more than 10mg of the chemical. The amount was “extremely high”, he added.
He said the nerve agent prevents the deactivation of a neurochemical transmitter, which causes muscle contraction and relaxation.
“And the doses were so high. It only takes 10mg to be absorbed, for it to be lethal.
“It finally caused his heart and other vital organs to stop functioning.”
Jong Nam had complained to airport staff that his eyes were painful after two women had smeared his face with something as he waited to board a flight to Macau from Kuala Lumpur International Airport 2 in Sepang on Feb 13.
The incident has triggered a diplomatic crisis between Malaysia and North Korea, after Pyongyang protested against an autopsy on the body, and accused Malaysia of collaborating with “hostile forces”. -FMT

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  1. Assalamu alaikum warohmatullahi wabarakatu.
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