Thursday, February 2, 2017

Myvi driver who 'obstructed ambulance' surrenders to cops

The Perodua Myvi driver who was caught on video obstructing an ambulance in the emergency lane of the Federal Highway surrendered to the police yesterday.
According to Harian Metro, the 58-year-old man had his statement recorded by the police soon after he turned up about 7pm.
Selangor traffic chief DSP Sahimi Husin said the suspect had claimed that he was in a rush to get his medication, which was in his stalled taxi in Glenmarie, during the incident.
"He claimed he was a heart patient and a diabetic, and needed to take his medication, which he had not taken for more than 24 hours.
"The man also claimed he was unaware there was an ambulance behind his car and said he only realised when he looked into the rear view mirror, and tried to give way but couldn't," Sahimi said.
According to him, the driver was slapped with a fine.
The two-minute plus video of the incident, captured by a camera on the ambulance's dashboard, went viral on social media recently.

Road users are seen giving way to the ambulance, until the Myvi comes into the picture.
The car kept its left indicator on and refused to make way for the ambulance and at one juncture, even braked abruptly, almost causing the ambulance to crash into its rear.
The car then sped off.
Following the circulation of the video, police urged the driver to surrender, or risk arrest.- Mkini

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