Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Najib: Annuar remains Umno info chief for now

Umno president Najib Abdul Razak said Annuar Musa would remain as Umno Information chief for now.
The prime minister said Annuar, the MP for Ketereh, should be given the opportunity to clear his name from accusations on abuse of power linked to sponsorhip of the Kelantan football team The Red Warriors by agencies under Majlis Amanah Rakyat (Mara).
"He is willing to be investigated by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC), so give him a chance to clear his name.
"We cannot make assumptions... due process must take place," he said.
Najib told this to reporters after visiting the flood relief centre located at Institut Kemahiran Bina Negara (IKBN) Paloh Hinai in Pekan today.
The prime minister's wife Rosmah Mansor also spent about 30 minutes mingling with the 74 flood victims from 19 families who have been sheltered at the relief centre since Monday.
Mara had announced the immediate suspension of Annuar as chairman of the agency and Pelaburan Mara Bhd (PMB) on Monday.
The unanimous decision was made at a special meeting of the Mara Council chaired by council member Yusof Yacob at its headquarters the same day.

Yusof was quoted as saying that the suspension was to enable Mara's internal auditors to look into several matters concerning the agency, including PMB and Universiti Kuala Lumpur (UniKL)'s sponsorship of The Red Warriors.
The suspension also raised a big question mark over Annuar's post as Umno Information chief among the party's leadership and members.
Umno secretary-general Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor was reported as saying that Annuar's position in the party was up to Najib to decide as Annuar was appointed to the post by the (Umno) president.

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