Wednesday, February 1, 2017


KUALA LUMPUR – Saying the petrol price increase for February is “unreasonable”, PKR president Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail urged Putrajaya to bring back a fuel subsidy to alleviate the burden of rising living costs faced by the people.
In a statement today, Dr Wan Azizah pointed out that the petrol price had also increased in January, making the total increase in the price of RON95 petrol to be 40 sen, RON97 at 35 sen and diesel at 30 sen since the turn of the year.
She also said that there is no reason for the hike as the price of the Brent crude oil and also the value of ringgit compared to the US dollar did not change significantly for this month.
“The average price for Brent’s crude oil throughout January 2017 showed an average reduction of 2.46 per cent. The value of ringgit compared to USD showed an average change of negative 1.40 per cent,” she said.
“Why the people have to bear the burden of petrol and diesel price increases when there are no factors pointing towards an increase?” she asked.
She also urged the government to reconsider the placement of the fuel subsidy and also reduce the Goods and Services Tax (GST) to alleviate the burden of the people.
Putrajaya removed fuel subsidies in 2014 and petrol prices had been left on a float according to market dictates since then.
RON95 and RON97 saw a 20 sen increase to RM 2.30 and RM 2.60 per litre respectively beginning today, while diesel increased by 10 sen to RM 2.15 per litre.
– Malay Mail

1 comment:

  1. Kami sekeluarga ingin mengucapkan banyak terimakasih kepada KY JOYO WIJOYO atas bantuannya
    saya menang togel yang pertama kalinya,pekerjaan saya sehari-harinya cuma seorang SOPIR ANKOT
    yang pendapatannya tidak seberapa,buat biaya anak sekolah aja tidak cukup apalagi untuk mencukupi
    kebutuhan hidup keluarga sehari-harinya….suatu hari saya tidak sengaja mendengar pembicaraan teman
    saya mengenai prediksI KI JOYO WIJOYO yang katanya bisa mengeluarkan angka sgp/hk yang di jamin
    tembus,akhirnya saya bertanya dan teman saya memberikan nomor KI JOYO WIJOYO dan saya pun menghubunginya..??
    Berkat bantuan KI yang telah memberikan anka “GHOIB” nya 4D dan alhamdulillah itu
    ternyata terbukti….sekaran anak saya bisa lanjut sekolah lagi itu semua atas bantuan KI JOYO WIJOYO,
    bagi anda yang penggemar togel ingin meruban nasib melalui angka2 goip yang di jamin 100% kemenangan
    hbg KI JOYO WIJOYO di nmr;_0_8_2_3_2_2_2_1_4_9_0_9 ini bukti nyata bukan rekayasa
    ,mana ada kemenangan tanpa keberanian dan kejujuran,saatnya kita perlu bukti bukan sekedar janji2
    ,hanya KI JOYO WIJOYO yang bisa menjamin 100% kesuksesan,anda perlu bukti hbg sekaran KI JOYO WIJOYO ,terima kasih


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