Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Sabah BN backbencher: Shafie failed to do more for Felda

Sabah Umno leader admits many areas in the state have electricity poles without cables, water pipes without water and rural roads constructed in the middle of nowhere.
PETALING JAYA: As rural and regional development minister Parti Warisan Sabah (Warisan) president Shafie Apdal had every opportunity to do the things he is speaking about now yet he did not, says the Sabah Barisan Nasional Backbenchers Club (BNBBC) chairman.
Abdul Rahim Ismail said that Shafie, a former Umno vice-president, “had his chances on Felda in Sabah but blew it”, The Daily Express reported today.
“It’s easy to stand behind a rostrum when one is no longer part of the government, spewing all kinds of rhetoric, harsh criticism and making grandiose promises (on Felda).
“Shafie had the opportunity to use his authority and influence when he was a federal minister to review the agreement with Felda. He could have reclaimed the lands unused under the scheme,” Rahim said in a statement released yesterday.
Rahim,who is Pantai Manis assemblyman, added that by claiming to be an “anak jati Sabah” (true son of Sabah), Shafie was expected to look after Sabah’s interest in Putrajaya.
“At one time, Shafie appeared to be very close to the prime minister, yet he didn’t talk to him about Felda in Sabah,” Rahim said in response to a statement by Shafie that Warisan will review the state government’s agreement with Felda.
Shafie had also pledged that Warisan would reclaim land in Sabah unused by Felda.
“It’s convenient to throw all kinds of criticisms and belittle the efforts of the same government that gave him a platform. It’s the government that gave him the resources he’s using now to criticise it,” Rahim was quoted as saying.
Noting how the former rural and regional development minister also had Risda and Felcra, besides Felda, under his purview, Rahim said there was so much more that could have been allocated to Sabah.
“Even if Risda and Felcra were left aside, Shafie had the authority to contribute billions for rural roads, electricity and water in Sabah, but there was no such allocation for the state,” Rahim said, according to Daily Express.
Rahim, who is also Sabah Land Development Board chairman, also admitted that under the BN government, there are many parts of Sabah where there are electricity poles without cables, water pipes without water, and rural roads constructed in the middle of nowhere. -FMT

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