Sunday, February 26, 2017

Touched by Saudi’s hospitality

Treatment accorded to drivers at Saudi Arabian ambassador’s residence 42 years ago leaves lasting impression on writer.
king-salmanBy YS Chan
The four-day state visit by Saudi Arabia’s King Salman Abdulaziz Al-Saud, which begins today, reminds me of the official visit by a Saudi prince to Kuala Lumpur in 1975.
I was then working for the company which operated the largest fleet of tour buses and limousine taxis in the country.
The Public Works Department (JKR) maintained a pool of cars for government officials to use on special occasions.
Whenever JKR could not supply the vehicles, government agencies would book the limousines from my company.
Although I was working in the office, I was roped in to drive a limousine during the Saudi prince’s visit.
It turned out I was driving a spare car as I drove alone from the Subang airport to the hotel and continued over the next few days.
But I remember to this day the hospitality accorded to all the drivers at the residence of the Saudi Arabian ambassador at Jalan Ampang.
The prince had dinner there but drivers were not left to fend for themselves. We were ushered to the back patio where we were allowed to help ourselves to a variety of dishes on the table.
It was the first time I saw bite-size pieces of boneless chicken meat stacked on top of one another in a big pile. That dish alone was enough to satisfy many.
I particularly enjoyed the Arabic tea but most of all, I was deeply touched by the hospitality as drivers usually had to wait for work to be over for their meals.
On departure day at the airport, a driver standing next to me said he saw a Saudi aide counting a big bundle of cash at a counter.
Later, every driver, including me even though I did not carry a passenger, was given a RM500 tip. It was a lot of money 42 years ago, especially with my salary then as a tour coordinator being only RM350.
Courteous and generous
In 2000, I drove metered taxis and met many Saudi tourists. One in particular stood out. He was an air force colonel training fighter jet pilots.
Far from being a stereotypical military man, he was a true gentleman, with a kind and knowledgeable wife, and children who were bright and disciplined.
I was so impressed that I persuaded them to visit the Selangor Pewter factory as I wanted to buy an ashtray, have it engraved and presented as a gift.
But I had to settle for a small one with my limited budget and the words had to be shortened to “Colonel Abdul Hameed, an officer and a gentleman”.
After his shopping and just before leaving the showroom, I handed my gift to him and said “From Malaysia” with a smile.
The next day, I drove them to Sunway Lagoon. Upon reaching there, he handed me a box and said it was perfume for my wife and another box for me. Inside was a gold watch.
I was thankful but embarrassed, as it did not occur to me that I may get a gift in return. Years after I stopped driving taxis, I still get calls from Saudi Arabia from my former passengers or those recommended by them.
In 2008 and 2009, I was the rapporteur at the International Conference on Muslim Tourism, Hajj and Umrah in Kuala Lumpur and the Saudi Arabian ambassador was one of the speakers.
In any case, Saudis are most welcome to Malaysia. Last year, 133,500 came. According to the authorities, that is an increase of 23.5% over the previous year.
Likewise, as a Malaysian, I am proud and honoured with the visit of King Salman Abdulaziz Al-Saud together with a delegation of more than 600 people to our country.
YS Chan is an FMT reader.

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