Saturday, March 18, 2017

3 men attack 87-year-old man for stopping on road

They attack the helpless man with helmets and smash car windscreen of woman who stopped to help him.
pukul-orang-tuaGEORGE TOWN: An 87-year-old was mercilessly attacked by a group of three men on two motorcycles on Scotland Road here on Wednesday, leaving him seriously hurt.
A witness of the incident has described her frightening experience on Facebook, sharing photos of the incident.
Tan Poh Poh, 45, who was passing by at 3.45pm, saw the man’s car stop on the chevrons (painted divider) before the Scotland Road flyover near Han Chiang School.
At that time, she was in bumper-to-bumper traffic at a slip road next to the flyover.
Tan told Kwong Wah Yit Poh daily that she noticed a motorcycle was speeding towards the man’s old Opel Gemini. The motorcycle could not stop on time and rear-ended the car.
Tan then claimed the men from two motorcycles dragged the old man out of his car and started bashing him with their helmets.
Tan then pulled over by the roadside and stopped the men from attacking the elderly man. However, the men then turned their fury on her, asking her to leave.
At this point, two other men watching the incident unfold came to her aid and escorted her and the elderly man into her car.
Not satisfied, the men smashed her windshield glass. At that time, Tan and the elder men were already in the car.
Tan managed to drive the injured man to Penang Hospital. The elderly man received stitches to his nose and face before he was sent home.
The elderly man is said to have had breathing difficulties which forced him to stop on the divider to catch his breath.
In quick followup action, Northeast district deputy police chief Supt Ab Rahman Ahmad said two men in their 20s had been arrested, including an Indonesian national.
He told FMT police were hunting for another suspect, a local man in his 20s from Butterworth.
Rahman said the two men had been remanded for four days until Monday.
“The elderly man was seriously hurt,” he said when contacted.
The case is being investigated under Section 324 of the Penal Code for voluntarily causing hurt by dangerous weapons or means and Section 427 of the same code for committing mischief. -FMT

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