Friday, March 24, 2017

A Trumpesque revelation by Najib on Lahad Datu

YOURSAY | ‘The PM has apparently become a good disciple of Donald Trump.’
Gen Half Track: Commander S Thayaparan has made a very detailed write-up of how members of our security forces were waylaid and killed in a well-planned ambush in Lahad Datu four years ago.
He has now thrown a dare at the PM to prove his theory that the killings occurred as a result of “covert enemies who leaked information to the enemy”.
I do hope the PM picks up the gauntlet and answers this very important query. It pains me that there are people amongst us who have committed treason and are allowed to roam free.
In the days of old, those who had committed treason would have been blindfolded and shot through the heart or marched off to the nearest tree and have the stool kicked from under their legs.
Prudent: Commander Thayaparan made very cogent points in this article where his expertise and experience shine through. This is especially true of his first point: "Our security apparatus has been compromised to the point that our soldiers are not safe."
His nuances hinted at intelligence leaks that were curiously covered up. Detective Corporal Hassan Ali Basari was likely just a patsy as he claimed. He was only charged for "withholding" information, not leaking it.
Thayaparan's last point is crucial. The PM alluded to the death of our soldiers who were ambushed "in a house" as due to the intruders obtaining prior information.
Why then was this treasonous act not investigated until the culprits were identified and apprehended? Many can feel the answers in their guts.
Anonymous 2436471476414726: The PM has apparently become a good disciple of US President Donald Trump.
When under siege, just throw a wild accusation. Create imaginary enemies so the masses will flock to him for protection. Demonise his political opponents to scare their supporters from supporting them.
Abasir: Malaysians should expect more of such Trumpesque revelations by Malaysian Official 1 (MO1).
It follows what I believe is his latest election strategy - create the apparition of an enemy painted vaguely in the colours of the ‘opposition’, keep repeating and/or replaying the threat of ‘enemies within’ and treason in front of selected audiences, plant stories of such ‘enemies’ in favoured media, get ‘cari makan’ ministers to deny and deflect each time an embarrassment surfaces unexpectedly while simultaneously bemoaning the scourge of fake news which the state-owned media will milk.
Anonymous 2411361459930771: What a pathetic situation that that MO1 should resort to bare allegations to keep himself afloat.
The real covert enemies are the ‘guardians of the nation’ who allegedly plunder and rob at will whilst the opposition - the guardian angels of the nation - demand transparency and accountability.
Drngsc: Yes, MO1. Please tell us, in your opinion, who the covert enemies are? We are beginning to wonder whether you are seeing apparitions and hearing voices?
We badly want real news (the truth) about what happened to Pastor Raymond Koh. Abducted in a precise, well-planned, military-style operations in broad daylight - all filmed on closed circuit television (CCTV) cameras and available to the police.
The abduction took less than 60 seconds, and after four weeks, with CCTV footage to help, the police still have no clue. How so? Is that believable?
Mr PM and inspector-general of police (IGP), this will be a good time to give us real news, or else do not blame us for speculating.
Someonroutthere: We need more such scrutinisation from the likes of the brave retired Commander Thayaparan to provide the checks and balances to our ‘rogue’ politicians.
Well done, retired commander, for keeping a keen eye on what's happening to the nation.
The Analyser: Aren't the ‘covert enemies’ of Malaysia - human rights, democracy, egalitarianism, intelligent thought and individualism?
I would also like to include honesty and respect, the basis for all the principles which are often talked about, but rarely practiced in Malaysia.
Those two covert enemies - or lack of them - have done more damage to Malaysians than any imagined enemies could ever do.
Victor Johan: Did Najib get checkmated by his very own posting in his own blog? Just who prepared the script?
Dont Just Talk: Pastor Raymond Koh’s wife Susana Liew in all her humility should also add, forgive them Lord for they know not what they have done.
The abductors will receive their karma when the time arrives, either in this lifetime or the next. To them we say, be very afraid and seek His forgiveness.
2 Tim 1:7: Malaysia a moderate nation? Okay, perhaps a little less moderate than the Taliban. One discerns a pattern in all this.
You cannot compete with others economically, so you bring in a whole lot of restrictions to stymie their advance. You are too callous and lazy to do charity works which decent philanthropic people are doing so you use gangland tactics to destroy them.
You cannot argue rationally about philosophy and religion, so you retreat ‘bawah tempurung’ and ban books which normal people would deem unobjectionable.
Shibboleth: Susana, you are abiding by His word. You are His disciple. He has a plan for Raymond and you. Trust in Him and lean not on your own understanding.
Let them wonder why there is no malice in your remark. The Lord will prevail over all.
Demi Rakyat: Our police cannot be so inept. Is there something more than meets the eye? The earlier the police say something, sensible that is, and keep the rakyat informed, the better.
JayWai: There are CCTVs on almost all streets and road junctions, so how can it be that they cannot trace a convoy of cars involved in the kidnapping?
There are rumours that some religious bodies may be involved, given the victim's work amongst the poor and marginalised. Yet so far, there has been a deafening silence from these groups.

We must continue to hold such peaceful vigils (and not keep quiet, as the IGP would have us do) until Pastor Raymond is released. We must let the authorities know that we are watching and waiting.- Mkini

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