Saturday, March 18, 2017

Amanah leader thanks Rosmah for 'check my handbag' offer, but...

A Parti Amanah Negara (Amanah) leader has decided to lend his voice to the ongoing debate over Rosmah Mansor's role as patron in Permata.
Thanking Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak's wife for the offer to inspect her handbag, Khalid Samad said the the people are, however, more interested in knowing how the funds allocated to Permata are spent.
“The public is not interested in the contents of Rosmah's handbag,” added the Shah Alam MP.
On Wednesday, Rosmah reiterated that she had not abused government funds for the early childhood development programme.
Responding to those who made such allegations, she said: “This programme is for the rakyat. Nothing to do with me. I don't take the money and put it in my pocket. Not in my handbag. You can check.”
She also urged all quarters not to politicise or cast aspersions on Permata.
Khalid said it was important for the people to know Permata's expenditures, since the government has doubled its allocation in the last two budgets, while the allocation for higher education was slashed by 20 percent.
The Amanah communications director compared Rosmah's denial of abusing public funds to her husband's stand over the RM2.6 billion in his personal accounts and the developments since then, which have cast doubts on the prime minister's explanation.
“The situation is similar. The public will no longer accept empty denials from Rosmah. If Rosmah is correct, then there is no reason to hide or be afraid to reveal Permata's accounts.
“I wish to stress that Permata's funds are from taxes paid from the sweat and toil of Malaysians,” Khalid added in a media statement.

Noting the claims and reports surrounding her alleged shopping sprees, Khalid said as long as Rosmah does not reveal Permata's accounts, the public would assume that something is amiss.
On Thursday, DAP assemblyperson Yeo Bee Yin urged Rosmah to relinquish her post as patron if she cannot tolerate public scrutiny of Permata.
Since then, Yeo and Rosmah's aide Rizal Mansor have been embroiled in a tit-for-tat on the issue.- Mkini

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