Thursday, March 16, 2017


Najib  says there has been no wrong doing at 1MDB.
The vertically challenged AG has said there was no wrong doing at 1MDB.
UMNO says there is no wrong doing at 1MDB.
The BN says there is no wrong doing at 1MDB. 

So what are we doing about the government of Singapore which has arrested, tried and jailed FOUR people because of wrong doing related to 1MDB?

These are the latest headlines from the Straits Times Singapore, the mouthpiece of the Singapore government :

Look at what the Straits Times Singapore says :

1. "The embattled Malaysian State fund 1MDB has spurred criminal and regulatory investigations around the world".  

2. "MAS slaps ex-Goldman banker with prohibition order for 1MDB-related breaches.."  

This means the Singaporeans are calling the Malaysian Prime Minister a liar when he said there has been no wrongdoing at 1MDB ! !    

Isnt this an act of aggression by Singapore towards Malaysia ? 

Here is more :  

3.  1MDB scandal :  FAQs

4.  "He (Najib)  is expected to continue with his strategy of stubborn ignorance to the fallout from the 1MDB fiasco"

Wow !  I think this is a declaration of war by Singapore against the PM.  

It is certainly a direct interference by Singapore in Malaysia's internal affairs.  

Najib, UMNO and the buttkissers have been insisting that there is no wrong doing at 1MDB. 

The Singaporeans are accusing Najib of  'stubborn ignorance to 1MDB fiasco'

So who is lying? The Singaporeans are lying or Najib is lying?

They have recalled the ambassador to North Korea.

Shouldnt they also recall the Malaysian High Commissioner to Singapore? This is a serious act of aggression by Singapore against the Malaysian PM.

I say Anifah Aman,  what say you?
When are you going to resign from the Cabinet?
People are speculating all sorts of things about your 'flip-flopping'.
Most of it linked to talk about money.   

Here is a clear  "spitting-in-your-face" by Singapore. 
Najib cannot do anything.

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