Thursday, March 23, 2017

Comedy bumps Malaysia up on happiness index

Thanks to our ability to laugh our troubles away, we're the fourth happiest nation in Asia.
A recent article about Malaysia being the fourth happiest place in Asia must have been met with incredulity by those who aren’t so happy with conditions in the country. They would be thinking of the recession they believe the country is headed for, the falling ringgit, the number of high-profile arrests the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission has been making and the frustration of knowing that “everything is going up but my salary”.
However, one comment on the article from an FMT reader, Henry Por Soon Aik, seems to explain why Malaysians are happy in spite of all the gloom: there’s always something to laugh about in our godforsaken country.
We have comical characters like Red Shirts leader Jamal Yunos, whose antics could give even Harith Iskandar a run for his money. But Jamal is only an exaggerated version of some of the politicians we have as our elected representatives and that itself is comic gold.
We all remember Pasir Salak MP Tajuddin Abdul Rahman’s “Kok-up” in the Dewan Rakyat and how he got riled up by the media for doing its job and Shah Alam MP Khalid Samad for calling him a “menteri sial” (accursed minister). You can’t make that kind of stuff up.
In Malaysia, we have religious authorities arresting married couples for being alone in a hotel room together. The fact that this is an indisputable fact should be enough to prove how ridiculous some of the things that happen in this country are. Thankfully, PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang’s private member’s bill has not been passed yet, because – and here’s a gag – if it had been passed, then this married couple could be jailed for 30 years for doing what married couples are encouraged to do.
And yes, you read that right, married couples are encouraged to procreate in this country, where even the cost of bread is so high that you have no choice but to laugh off your hunger to keep body and soul together. Just ask the Terengganu government, which is handing out RM500 cash incentives for eighth and consecutive children.
Speaking of bread, did you notice that though we can’t afford to put fuel in our cars and despite the continually rising price of sugar, we still somehow manage to get ourselves to the closest McDonald’s or mamak stall. As a result of all the food we’re accustomed to – or the only food we can afford – we have become one of Asia’s fattest countries.
Meanwhile, we have economists who are trying their best to convince us that everything is still fine and dandy even though the truth is staring you so hard in the face it almost feels like you’re a lorry driver who has accidentally backed into a Mercedes and have had your head kicked in by goons employed by a datuk. By the way, has anyone counted the number of reported crimes involving datuks these days?
On the topic of security, Lawyers for Liberty’s Eric Paulsen recently sent out a tweet saying, “Of all the countries you could piss off, you chose North Korea.”
All of the above could easily cause fear or anger in societies that don’t have our sense of humour. So hats off to Malaysians because we’ve decided to take things with a positive attitude and laugh out loud. That’s the only way to interpret the findings about Malaysia in the 2017 World Happiness Report.
Still, we have spoken only of a handful of things that give us a good laugh. The comment section below is for you to give more examples. Do we have any choice but to laugh all our troubles away? -FMT

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