Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Forces working hard against Nazri-Mahathir debate

YOURSAY | ‘As expected, they will never allow the debate to happen…’
Hornbill: The debate between Umno minister Nazri Abdul Aziz and former PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad was doomed from the start. The organisers are dumb not to know the requirements of the notice to the police - 10 days!
The people in the area are also fools for making a police report on something that has yet to take place. What kind of trouble are they expecting when we have a police force that can take care of security?
The police too should not take those reports seriously because in democratic societies, discussions and debates are part of the process. Now the people are to be denied the chance to know the truth about the government's cover-up.
FellowMalaysian: Kuala Kangsar district police chief Ahmad Termizi Abd Haq does not even know the laws of the country when he stated the reasons for rejecting the debate.
This is a public debate and not a gathering as Nazri has rightly attested earlier on. This debate will be held in an enclosed hall and the number of attendees will be limited to hall’s capacity in accommodating the crowd.
So what is this district police chief's talking about regarding public safety and public order? Doesn't he know that Nur Jazlan Mohamed, the deputy home minister, has already given his green light to the event?
Goldee: As expected, they will never allow the debate to happen because it will have a big impact on the ruling government especially MO1 (Malaysian Official 1), whoever he is.
Nazri, or more so BN, was caught with his pants down and the only thing that can save the government’s face is for the police to reject their application.
By the way, Nazri already said he is not representing the government. He speaks in his capacity as a minister and he already said he won't answer all the questions put forward to him.
So why are the police so worried about the debate?
Anonymous 539281478077880: Yes, this was what I had expected - a healthy debate to thrash out all the allegations levelled against 1MDB.
But the police had to come in "to save" Nazri from the "clutches" of Mahathir. This clearly stipulates that these are the "bunch of rotten bananas" who are at present governing this country.
They never keep their words. The "calling off" of the debate would shift a lot of voters towards Pakatan Harapan as many had lost hope with Umno/BN.
Oxymoronictendencies: What a surprise...not! As if PM Najib Razak was ever going to allow one of his acolytes to be put in a position where he may be forced publicly to incriminate him or his government, reveal the unrevealable or in any way allow further public debate on 1MDB.
Those who believed this debate might happen were dreaming. The groundswell is growing. They best go to the electorate quickly or the "tsunami" this time may not only be "Cina".
And all the cash in the world may not help Najib this time around. The unavoidable reality is that morality, integrity and honesty will eventually overcome the largest of cash kings.
And fundamentally Malaysians above all else have morality, integrity and honesty, barring of course a greedy few.
Someonroutthere: The precedence is set. From now on, all sorts of debate, whether held in any location, private or public, between schools, societies or organisations, will have to obtain a police permit.
A repressive dumbing down move in the name of peace, public order and protection of individual rights. How low can it go?
Gaji Buta: Hello opposition, please stop kicking a dead horse. I know you can use this incident as ammunition to tell the people that the government has something to hide, but I think most of us already get it.
Your main target should be to take over Putrajaya. Then you can debate till the cows come home. Time is running out. Focus on winning.
Anonymous_1388029052: So we cannot even hold a debate? I remember there were great debate yearly at the Universiti Malaya in the 70s where government ministers and opposition leaders would participate.
Now 40 years later, instead of going forward, our country is regressing. The people will have no choice but to continue to listen to rumours and lies on social media.
Aries46: This police intervention does not surprise anyone. At the 'Nothing to Hide' forum, the very hint of Mahathir’s presence gave Najib such shivers that the inspector of police (IGP) had to call it off at the last minute.
When Petaling Jaya Utara MP Tony Pua took on 1MDB chief Arul Kanda, Parliament speaker Pandikar Amin Mulia slyly gave Pua the ultimatum – choose between the debate or the Public Accounts Committee (PAC).
So, the excitement thus far was more about how Umno is going to clamp down on the Nazri-Mahathir debate.
Nazri is a nice man and a brave minister known to bite off more than he can chew when coming to defending the follies of his boss of the day, but a public debate with Mahathir is definitely not his forte.
As the debate is to be focused mainly on 1MDB and Bumiputra Malaysia Finance (BMF) scandals, who would be more qualified than MO1 himself against the old fox?
As the one that held supreme power on all financial deals at 1MDB, having MO1 at the debate is akin to hearing it from the horse’s mouth.
Anticonmen: This is a fruitless debate by men who were themselves responsible for removing checks and balances and powers of the Parliament.
Anonymous_1421806811: I expect the debate to be along these lines.
Mahathir: Who is Malaysian Official 1 (MO1)?
Nazri: I don't know. You have to ask US Department of Justice (DOJ).
Mahathir: Was Jho Low involved in any of 1MDB's dealings?
Nazri: I don't know. You have to ask 1MDB's management.
Mahathir: Did the RM2.6 billion originate from 1MDB?
Nazri: No, definitely not. It was donated by an Arab prince.
Mahathir: Even if the RM2.6 billion is a donation, wouldn't that make Najib a puppet of Saudi Arabia?

Nazri: Of course not. The donation was given without any conditions attached.
Mahathir: How do you know Najib is not guilty?
Nazri: Because (attorney-general) Mohamed Apandi Ali said so.
If Nazri takes this line of argument, it will speak volumes for the quality of our ministers.- Mkini

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