Wednesday, March 22, 2017

How can 1MDB settle loans with neither assets nor income?

YOURSAY | ‘And strangely, Jho ‘Eric Tan’ Low, and their principals cannot be found.’
Commentable: I agree with Petaling Jaya Utara MP Tony Pua. How does one get the full picture when the government and its ministers such as Second Finance Minister Johari Abdul Ghani prefer to go totally blind instead of examining 1MDB with eyes wide open?
The 1MDB imbroglio has been around for two years now and it is preposterous for Johari or anyone else to claim that investigations into the scandal is not complete or in this case, "lacking the full picture".
It is a matter of political will as to whether those in the government want a full picture to be made for general viewing. The current censorship of information on 1MDB is downright offensive and insulting to Malaysians and the international community.
Dont Just Talk: Johari said that Public Accounts Committee (PAC) and attorney-general (AG) were unable to specifically tell what was wrong with 1MDB financial scandals, when Singapore has successfully prosecuted and jailed four private wealth bank managers and suspended the banking licence of two foreign banks for money laundering.
With such calibre of leaders in Malaysia, and with Malaysian Official 1 (MO1) being named as someone who holds a senior government post and that US$3.5 billion was allegedly stolen from the Malaysian people, we can understand why our ringgit has depreciated to RM4.50 to US$1 and RM3.20 to S$1.
Malaysians can also conclude that either the second finance minister too blur to take notice of what is happening around the world or 1MDB is too complicated for him to comprehend.
Negarawan: "Johari may not have been involved in the attempts to stall or stop the investigations, as he was only appointed a minister in July last year," said Pua.
Yes, but like other cronies in the upper echelon of Umno, they have to continue the charade in order to be eligible to run for elections in GE14 and to earn a place on the gravy train.
These are the "righteous Muslims" in Umno who claim to be doing it to "protect their race and religion". I am sure God is tired of hearing this.
FellowMalaysian: When Johari was appointed as finance minister II after Husni Hanadzlah's sudden departure in June last year, a crucial part of his script was to defend the government's action on 1MDB at all costs.
So, this was simply just a cynical move by Johari to stay relevant to his appointment as the second finance minister.
What came out as being feckless and utterly disgusting about him is that knowing the enormity of the issue at hand, he tried washing them away and claimed ignorance on the part of the ministry.
His pretence will only prove further the total lack of sincerity and volition on the part of the government in solving 1MDB's problems.
Worldly Wise: BN's controlled media and whispering campaign is going beyond the limit. They are saying former PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad has assets worth RM10 billion.
One look at his bread shop, The Loaf, shows that he is very under-funded.
Shibboleth: The manager of Falcon Bank who opened the account for Jho ‘Eric Tan’ Low is in Changi Prison. His offence - not filing a suspicious transaction report. But strangely, Jho ‘Eric Tan’ Low, and their principals cannot be found.
It’s like the story about the professor who lost his wedding ring in the house, but he was looking for it in the garden. When asked why he was looking for the ring in the garden, he said, "It’s brighter here."
Dont Just Talk: The Bandar Malaysia and TRX (Tun Razak Xchange) prime land rightfully belong to every Malaysian, who received the short end of the stick after these plots were literally sold to 1MDB for a song, an alleged scam by a few untouchables, who used them as assets to raise billions in foreign bonds which eventually fizzled into thin air.
Can Johari explain to Malaysians why 1MDB’s latest annual financial account is delayed, what are the foreign assets owned by 1MDB and its present market value, and the remaining percentage of Bandar Malaysia and TRX prime lands still owned by 1MDB?
Without the latest financial account of 1MDB, Malaysians are in the dark as to how the company is going to service its billions of foreign debts and interest.
The 1MDB financial scandal is too huge for Malaysian Official 1 (MO1) to pretend that it can be resolved over time, while Johari's predecessor, Husni Hanadzlah, was smart to step down as the second finance minister.
Kim Quek: Yes, what has happened to the proceeds of sales of TRX land and Bandar Malaysia land amounting to RM3.2 billion and RM7.4 billion respectively?
Kindly account for it. And please explain how are 1MDB’s loans of RM5 billion and US$6.5 billion going to be settled now that it has neither assets nor income?
Anonymous 2305141436452229: So, uh, how exactly will the 1MDB debts that weren't transferred to the government be paid?
What matching cashflows are there to service RM5 billion + US$3 billion + US$1.75 billion + US$1.75 billion worth of debt when essentially all 1MDB's operating and cashflow generating assets have been transferred to the government?
1MDB doesn't even have land any more that it can revalue upwards to generate paper profits.
Anonymous 2436471476414726: All the more reason why the audits must be completed and kept up to date through 2016. Then publish it for the citizens to scrutinise.
Johari, it would be great if you can make the explanation in Parliament which the people have always wanted and which has never been allowed by the government. That way the issues can be debated.
Oscar Kilo: The writer of this article has good smoke-screening skills. Good try, but please try harder.
Give us something like the 136-page US Department of Justice's document, backed with convincing details.- Mkini

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