Wednesday, March 22, 2017

More Earth Shaking News : China Throws Money To Buy Top Scientific Talent !

Image result for China Throws Money To Buy Top Scientific Talent

Here is something else from China that is going to impact on all of us. Meaning we are all going to end up working for the Chinese, in one way or another. This news is very relevant. 

Sadly in Malaysia, few will appreciate this. 

China's million dollar funding packages to recruit top international science talent

China has launched a program of bonuses and funding to recruit top scientific talent

1. The "Thousand Talents Program" Scientists

(1) Long Term Talents: The employee shall receive a personal funding package of 1 million RMB (US$144,000) from the nation's central budget and 3 million RMB ((US$432,000) from CAS special talents funds.

(2) Short Term Talents: The employee shall receive a personal funding package of 0.5 million RMB from the nation's central budget.

(3) Young Talents: The employee shall receive a research funding package of 1 million to 3 million RMB, a personal funding package of 0.5 million RMB from the nation's central budget and 0.5 million RMB from CAS special talents funds.

(4) Foreign Experts: The employee shall receive a research funding package of 3 million to 5 million RMB and a personal funding package of 1 million RMB from the nation's central budget.

2. The "Hundred Talents Program" Scientists

(1) Academic Leaders (A-Class of the "Hundred Talents Program"):

CAS will allocate a funding package of 7 million RMB (a little of US$1 million) to the Academic Leaders and 1 million RMB to cover the infrastructure construction.

(2) Technological excellence (B-Class of the "Hundred Talents Program")

A technological Excellence will get the package of 1-2 million RMB and an infrastructure services funding of 0.6 million RMB from CAS.

(3) Young Talents (C-Class of the "Hundred Talents Program")

CAS will allocate a funding package of 0.8 million RMB for the Young Talents and after a period of time, the young talent will be reviewed and mit supported by auto recruited in the "Hundred Talent Program" with a funding package of 2 million RMB and an Infrastructure construction funding of 0.6 million RMB from CAS.

CIAC will also provide extra start-up funding, settling-in allowance and housing allowance for these employees. 

Chinese employer takes a cut of any patents or inventions — important markers in Beijing’s efforts to measure its progress. Employees can retain about 42.5% ownership of patents and inventions which is competitive with international standards.

China is and will continue to put hundreds of billions to buying key technology companies and making large investments in automation and robotics.

My comments : What happened to Talent Corpse? When are the Summer Sales starting in London?

Anyway, an RM2.0+ million funding package for Chinese scientists is a lot of money. And you can bet they will not be using these funds to invent 'Anti Hysteria Kits' or "Prayer Direction Finders".

These funds will most likely generate cutting edge technology products. The Chinese will create new wealth.   They will create legions of technopreneurs.  

China is now designing "super-cities" which are actually super regions with 300 million people within one "super-region'. 

Can you imagine how many pau they can sell within a 300 million mega-region? Or how many selfies can be taken with that long rod that holds the smart fone? 

We have to keep up with China, Singapore, Europe, the US. When I say "we" I dont mean the GLCs, the gomen or the elite groups.  I mean every single one of us Malaysians.  

Our people in the rural areas, on the estates, in Sabah, Sarawak, in our towns, cities - all of us. Tanpa mengira bangsa atau agama. 

As things stand now, many of us are already doing it.  Many others will not make it. They are actually regressing.  The danger is those who are regressing may pull down those who are progressing.    The other danger is those who are progressing will leave those who are regressing very far behind.   

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