Friday, March 24, 2017

Pua, keep on rattling the cage until we get answers

YOURSAY | ‘It is high time the gov’t extricates its head from the sand and face the real world.’
SusahKes: One wonders how long Malaysian Official 1's (MO1) cheerleading squad could keep up with polishing the image of their chief.
The previous second finance minister - Ahmad Husni Hanadzlah - withdrew from the cabinet, perhaps because his conscience could no longer tolerate the charade of providing pseudo-intelligent replies to cover up a scandal that redefines the meaning of government corruption.
For a relatively small country, Malaysia's leaders have accomplished what no other developing world leader has hitherto achieved - playing pious whilst allegedly pocketing candies from the public candy jar. When will that start to bother Johari Abdul Ghani?
From the tone of his open letter on Monday, it appears the pressure might just be getting to him - is Johari able to sleep soundly whilst stating that "he doesn't know everything", or "give it a rest", without the help of some anxiety sedative?
No, Mr Minister, the only way to give it a rest is by coming clean. And as a taxpayer, I have no qualms with Petaling Jaya Utara MP Tony Pua rattling the bars until we get answers.
Kim Quek: Second Finance Minister Johari owes the nation a proper answer to Pua’s open letter, failing which, he should either resign or forever hang his face in shame.
The atrocious alleged criminalities of 1MDB, in particular, those of MO1, are already carved in stone. Irrefutable evidence of which is already embedded in computers everywhere around the globe.
It is high time the government extricate its head from the sand and face the real world, lest its self-delusion will imperil the whole nation.
Abasir: Johari, who claims to not have the "full picture", will probably use that as the reason he cannot respond to Pua's open letter and the undisputed facts he has laid out. However, not having the "full picture" did not deter him from telling Pua to "give it a rest".
In the twisted logic of ‘ketuanan’ Umno and the alleged kleptocrats it protects, was not having the "full picture" the reason the Auditor-General's Report on 1MDB was placed under the Official Secrets Act (OSA), the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) report seemingly fraudulently altered, the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) investigators harassed and so-called Task Force of Tan Sris unceremoniously disbanded?
Or is Johari simply being part of the MO1's desperate effort to make sure the "full picture" of the country's biggest and most devastating criminal conspiracy never gets to be revealed?
Rupert16: If the government agencies and government ministers have done their job in going after the scoundrels in the 1MDB-SRC scam, then I agree Pua should take a rest. But this is far from the case.
Instead of pursuing justice, these government agencies and ministers spent their time and effort to allegedly trying to subvert justice and covering up for the chief scoundrel - which means the rakyat and country will be the biggest losers, if not for good people like Tony Pua, Rafizi Ramli, Zaid Ibrahim, G25, Maria Chin Abdullah, Ambiga Sreenevasan and Khalid Samad, to name a few.
Anonymous 2436471476414726: Well-written letter, Pua. Ramp it up. The rakyat are with you all the way.
The 1MDB scandal has indeed tarnished our reputation globally. Unfortunately, our PM refuses to acknowledge this and instead accuses critics of the government of sabotaging Saudi Aramco’s deal with Petronas.
Instead, he conveniently labelled them as unpatriotic and indulging in economic sabotage. The PM must admit that those culprits who presumably siphoned and laundered away 1MDB's monies are the actual people who sabotage our economy.
Anonymous #40538199: Yes, please do not frame the relentless pursuit of bringing the culprits to book into acts of sabotaging the economy.
Hornbill: First of all, does the minister agree that the reputation of the nation has been tarnished to the point that any Malaysian travelling overseas will feel extremely ashamed to say that he or she is from Malaysia when asked by foreigners?
Maybe he and his fellow ministers don't think Malaysia's reputation has been tarnished at all. These people have thick skin and refuse to admit that an allegedly serious crime has been committed by the top leadership of the country.
Pua, maybe you're only wasting your precious time dealing with these nincompoops; that's why the minister wants you to take a rest.
Negarawan: A copy of this letter should be posted in the New York Times and Wall Street Journal and made accessible to countries investigating 1MDB.
It reflects the urgency of their investigations as it is clear that all avenues within Malaysia have been blocked by MO1 and the ruling party.
Jaycee: Indeed, a fantastic response by Pua. At least, we have someone who is speaking on behalf of the rakyat.
Enough of protecting the PM, Johari. Please be reminded that you are here to serve the rakyat. And we will not give this alleged mother of heists a rest until our stolen money is accounted for and the culprits jailed.
Then we will rest. Until then, the fight for justice and to seek the truth continues.
Anonymous_1408009087: Awesome, Pua. You have totally undressed the second finance minister. Honesty always gives courage, confidence and clarity of thought, expression and vision to prevail over lies, deceits and misleads. Bravo, you are my hero.
Tan Kim Keong: This second finance minister would probably by now have been summoned and directed to zip his lips and give it a rest.
He can't respond to this open letter anyway because he allegedly does not have the facts to counter what is written in there.
Apa Ini?: You are doing Johari’s head in, Pua. Now the poor man is going to need a rest.- Mkini

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