Monday, March 20, 2017

'Recruitment of non-Sarawakian religious teachers only temporary'

Sarawak's recruitment of Islamic education teachers from Peninsula Malaysia was a temporary measure, said Education Minister Mahdzir Khalid.
He said that there were 401 vacancies for such teachers in Sarawak currently and there are not enough local applications.
Following this, the Education Ministry and the Sarawak government had allowed the state education department to recruit from Sabah and Peninsula Malaysia.

"This temporary recruitment drive does not involve other subjects.
"The recruitment drive is only for a specific period - that is until these vacancies can be filled by locals," said Mahdzir on his Facebook page today.
The minister's clarification follows Kuching MP Chong Chieng Jen's criticisms against the recruitment drive at the Dewan Rakyat last week.
Chong had claimed that Muslims and non-Muslims in Sarawak have been living in harmony for a long time and expressed concerned that religious teachers from Peninsula Malaysia would change that.- Mkini

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