Thursday, March 23, 2017

Salafi Terror Attack In London - 4 Dead, 40 Injured

There has been another useless, terror attack, this time in London.  Here is CNN :


4 killed, scores injured, attacker plowed car through crowds in London
attempt to storm Houses of Parliament 
act of Islamist-inspired terrorism.

Police knew identity of assailant, who fatally stabbed unarmed police officer 

Armed officers shot attacker dead.

first mass-casualty terrorist attack in Britain 
2005 52 people and 4 attackers died in July 7 bomb attack on London transport
use of vehicle echoed methods used in Nice and Berlin

London assault on 1-year anniversary of ISIS attack in Brussels
carnage to Westminster, heart of political life in Britain.
London attack part of disturbing trend
Theresa May described attack as "sick and depraved." 

attempts  "doomed to failure."
location of attack no accident. 

terrorist chose to strike at heart of capital 
values of liberty, democracy and freedom of speech 


The moment the UK Parliament stopped

UK Parliament stopped 00:32
Parliament placed on lockdown for several hours 

carnage in aftermath of attack 
happened as Parliament was in session 

authorities believe they know attacker's identity but not releasing it

incident was "Islamist-related terrorism."
40 people were hurt.

Incident began near Westminster Bridge
area teeming with people when attack began at 2:40 p.m. 

attacker drove car over Westminster Bridge, into crowds. 
vehicle hit large number of people, including three police officers.
car crashed near Parliament 

man -- with knife -- continued te attack, trying to enter Parliament

My comments : 

The London Police say they know the identity of the attacker.  

(It is not Abu Izzadeen - who is in prison.)

Lately the UK has begun jailing some of these radical Salafists. 

1. In Sept 2016 psycho jihadi Anjem Choudary jailed 5 1/2  years for supporting IS

Anjem convicted alongside Mohammed Rahman, 33, also sentenced to 5 1/2 years 

In 2008 Abu Izzadeen (born Trevor Brooks) sentenced to 4 1/2 years in jail. 

Then Jan 2016, sentenced to another 2 years for leaving the UK illegally

These people are all Salafis (Wahabis).  In London they have strong links with the Salafi Finsbury Park Mosque, the banned Muhajiroun society and other psycho salafi outfits.

Now we also have the Salafis in Malaysia.  Some duds have rewarded the Salafis with islands.  So these type of insanities will also happen here.   When you are dumb, it is dumb as dumb goes.

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