Wednesday, March 1, 2017

UM forms independent panel to probe 'racist lecturer' claim

Universiti Malaya (UM) has formed an independent panel to investigate allegations that a lecturer had ridiculed Indian students, after the claim went viral recently through the "Suara Pelajar India" Facebook page.
Vice-chancellor Mohd Amin Jalaludin told Malaysiakini that the matter was agreed upon during a meeting yesterday, adding that the independent panel will ensure justice was served without intervention from university management.
"I cannot comment further until the investigations are concluded as the probe is still ongoing, and to ensure impartiality for the lecturer and students involved, I leave it to the panel to handle the matter, with no involvement from UM," he said.
Malaysian Indian Progressives Association (Mipas) yesterday urged UM to dismiss the lecturer.
The NGO's secretary-general S Barathidasan said it was not enough to just suspend or transfer the lecturer as it will not drive home the message that such behaviour was not acceptable.
Commenting further, Mohd Amin said the independent panel has been given five days to investigate the claims, though an extension may be granted if required.
"I gave them five days from yesterday. I think it is best to let the panel investigate the matter without pressure from any party as this is a sensitive national issue.
"So let the panel come up with their conclusion and then we will take action. If there are (racist) elements, then we will take appropriate action.
"But if the opposite is true, then we will call up the student (who made the allegations)," said Mohd Amin.
False claims also an offence
In any case, he stressed that the university will not stand by any lecturers with racist leanings but neither will it allow people to make false claims against the university.
He reiterated that any lecturers with racist leanings will face action, but so too would those who make mountains out of molehills over trivial matters.
In any case he cautioned the public to presume nothing, until the facts are established.

Last Thursday, Deputy Education Minister P Kamalanathan said that the university has assured him that the university would not condone any racist behaviour.
The Facebook posting which went viral alleged that a UM lecturer had scolded Indian students who sat next to each other in a class and asked them to change seats, after claiming Indians are prone to "copy and plagiarise assignments".
The posting further alleged that this was not the first time the lecturer had disparaged Indian students.- Mkini

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