Sunday, April 2, 2017

Act 355 U-turn likely part of Najib-Hadi's game plan

YOURSAY | 'The game is not over yet. In fact, we might be the ones who are being fooled.'
Tpn: PAS always says that DAP is their biggest critic. Now Umno has played them out, again. Padan muka.
PAS, do you know why the late Tok Guru Nik Aziz Nik Mat, never trusted Umno. PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang should quit immediately.
Ferdtan: Yes, Umno has played out PAS once again, and now we know who is the biggest sucker. No, it is not Hadi, but it is its gullible members who believe in him.
The party president has had his grandiose moments rubbing shoulders with the prime minister and sharing the public stage with top Umno cabinet ministers.
Some even went as far as to allege that he had personal benefits for ‘working’ with PM Najib Razak. And as an excuse to work with Umno, they make an enemy of DAP, its former ally.
No-Brainer: It was very clear that Najib had fooled and betrayed Hadi.
Najib's timing in announcing that Umno would not table the Act 355 amendments came after the official formation of the new Pakatan Harapan coalition which includes Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (Bersatu), without PAS.
This could not be coincidence, less than one week after Harapan's announcement.
P Dev Anand Pillai: PAS has always been a fool when it comes to dealing with Umno. Umno is not going to play dumb to PAS' overtures.
Umno has been enjoying the spoils of power and wealth all this while and they will not be so stupid as to allow PAS to come up with some amendments to some syariah law which may not be enforced.
So, it serves PAS right. Where is Hadi going to put his face now?
Wake up, dear Malay brethren; when are you going to stop this nonsense and take charge of the country? Religion is personal, and religion and politics are two different rivers that never meet.
Get rid of PAS and Umno and give the young Malays a chance and just see what they can do. Unshackle their minds and see the transformation. Wake up, it is already 2017. We can't wait till 2050.
Anonymous Hotplate: Silly PAS, you made an enemy of your opposition partners and backstabbed them many times and blamed them for no reason.
PAS, you are the cause of all the infighting among the opposition parties. Other than PAS, all other opposition party leaders have integrity, are well-educated, have calibre and good understanding of the religious and racial diversity of Malaysia.
So we hope and pray the opposition can take over the already badly corrupted government, and change the government to treat all people equally and fairly.
Rupert16: Hadi, oh Hadi, when are you going to learn? Once bitten, twice shy, as the saying goes.
However, for Hadi, Youth chief Nik Abduh Nik Aziz and their ilk, it is a case of twice bitten and looking more and more stupid by the day. How are they to earn respect from others?
Sarawakian: Now perhaps the moderate voices in PAS, led by deputy president Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man must make their voices heard in the upcoming muktamar. Pakatan Harapan must reach out to PAS moderates instead of saying “we told you so!”.
Reach out by saying Harapan will strengthen Islam and the syariah courts through proper, sincere dialogue with all stakeholders, and in a constitutional manner, which will be done after GE14 if Umno is toppled.
Anonymous #13114320: Indeed, the game is not over yet. In fact, we might be the ones who are being fooled.
Najib probably pulled out as he was about to cross the line, so as to show the other BN component parties that he cares and in turn satisfy the public and the members while at the same time, pass the baton to Hadi.
Next, it is left to the MPs to vote according to their Muslim conscience. This is probably what he had agreed with Hadi on how he would help. Don't be overjoyed yet, the old fox ain't stupid!
Thirdeye: PKR Youth, don't gloat over the issue, PAS will likely play you out too. If you think this latest event will bring PAS back to Pakatan, think again. If you bring bed bugs under your pillow, you will regret it.
Anonymous#007: PKR should not be so quick to make these statements. Umno-BN knows it would be political suicide to embrace PAS and its ideology and long-term objectives.
PAS could now play the role of a spurned lover who wants revenge on ex-lover Umno-BN, and crawl back to Pakatan Harapan pretending their objective is the same as Pakatan's.
But the rakyat are clear on one thing - we do not want PAS or their malicious and evil agenda for our multiracial, multi-religious, secular Malaysia.
PAS has cheated the rakyat before - we will not let it happen again. The rakyat will much rather Pakatan lose GE14 without PAS, than to win with them, and give them more power to force syariah on all Malaysians.
Anonymous 1802761448130592: PKR still wants to work with PAS? That's real funny... I wonder who is the bigger fool now?
We would readily accept a Harapan loss at the polls rather than a hollow win with PAS. If Harapan were to lose in GE14 without PAS, we would live to fight another day, but to win and subsequently get betrayed by PAS, it would spell the end of PKR (as the blame would be on you).
BB123: This U-turn may be a ploy to deceive Harapan into giving PAS seats in GE14. If PAS wins the seats on the strength of Harapan, Umno could throw tons of ‘dedak’ to breed more frogs.
Anonymous 2438881477293275: Dear Selangor PKR Youth legal bureau chief Muhd Harris Idaham Abd Rashid, why would you want to cooperate with a party that's proven itself to be unfaithful, unprincipled, treacherous and stupid?
How many times does PKR need to be whacked before it comes to its senses? If they replace Hadi with Tuan Ibrahim and invite Amanah back, maybe, just maybe, they might survive. But they can forget about ruling any state.
Bersatu Malaysia: Why blame Umno for what has happened? It was PAS that was arm-twisting, manipulating, blackmailing, intimidating or bribing (call it what you will) Umno for its support in winning the elections.
If PKR or Harapan invites PAS into the opposition coalition, my vote goes to BN. We do not support religious political parties. They will ruin the country. Malaysia is secular and must remain so.
Mafeeah: Agreed, Hadi and Najib may still have tricks up their sleeve.- Mkini


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