Thursday, April 27, 2017

'Feminism denies women their place as keeper of husband's home'

MUKTAMAR | Many women these days are influenced by the feminist approach in fighting for equality and absolute freedom.
These they do, said PAS women’s wing chief Nuridah Mohd Salleh, without considering the differences between men and women, who were created by Allah.
In delivering her speech at the PAS Muslimat’s 57th Muktamar in Alor Setar today, Nuridah asked: “Where do they want to bring those rights to?”
“Is it just to place women on the same path with men while neglecting Muslim women's responsibilities? Or do they want to become a country's or world leaders by promoting a foreign agenda?” she queried.
Nuridah said there is more concern that the fight for rights and gender equality (kesetaraan) eventually denies the woman’s place (keberadaan) as the keeper (penjaga) of her husband’s home.
“(If this happens) her male counterparts or family would surely fail to become good believers (mukminat) who can help others in their effort to do good, and forbid evil,” she added.
Meanwhile, Nuridah encouraged her wing's members to work hard to form relationships with friends and supporters, including non-Muslims.

However, this effort must be based on guidelines provided by al-Quran and as-Sunnah.
"We cannot be secular sometimes, or sometimes without principles when we are with non-Muslims, sometimes liberal, sometimes enthusiastic (galak) about demonstrations to achieve goals only in the material world," Nuridah said.
"We only need to take what is good in(to) Islam from the democratic systems now leading the world," she added.- Mkini

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