Sunday, April 30, 2017

No one can break Sabah-Putrajaya bond, vows Zahid

Deputy Prime Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi said today that no one could ruin or break the bond between the government of Sabah and Putrajaya.
"Be they individuals or noted figures, their efforts would be futile unless willed by Allah Taala. Whether the government is centred in Putrajaya or Kota Kinabalu (KK), our linkage is very close. What a loss it would be if individuals or noted figures or political worms destroy this beautiful relationship.
"Rest assured, I wish to emphasise here, as the person who is assisting the prime minister (Najib Razak), that no one can break this bond that have long been cemented between Putrajaya and KK," he said.
He said this while launching the 'Sipitang International Gasing and Tamu Besar Festival (GATA) 2017' today.
Sabah Chief Minister Musa Aman, Deputy Chief Minister Yahya Hussin and Sarawak Resource Planning and Environment Minister II Awang Tengah Ali Hassan were also present.
Nevertheless, Ahmad Zahid said, the close relationship between Putrajaya and Sabah must be fortified to ensure that the present government led by BN continued to be strong and stable.
He said only a strong and stable government could guarantee prosperity and good economic growth for the people and the country as a whole.
The country, he said, practised democracy and was open to differences of opinion but the dissimilarity must lead to a positive direction otherwise it becomes a destructive parasite that must be rejected.
According to him, if a thing is good, it must be maintained; for example, if the roof, floor or wall of a house is damaged, the building should not be demolished; the necessary thing to do is to just repair the damaged part.

Ahmad Zahid said destroying a house was easy but to rebuild it would be a gargantuan task.
"A strong political umbrella will provide protection to the people because the masses need the best protection from the best government," Ahmad Zahid added.
He also reminded the people to learn from past mistakes and not make any decision while angry or dismayed as it had been proven in the past that decisions made in such circumstances were wrong.
- Bernama

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