Monday, May 29, 2017

FGV denies deforestation at its Indonesian plantation

Felda Global Ventures Holdings Bhd also denies it is a serious repeat offender of the Rountable on Sustainable Palm Oil principles and criteria.
FGVIt said a verification assessment undertaken by an independent assessor based in Indonesia found that the allegations of deforestation were untrue, according to a report in The Star.

Its unit Felda Global Ventures Kalimantan Sdn Bhd (FGVK) hired the assessor to verify the allegations and reporting by Chain Reaction Research (CRR) and Aidenvironment that FGV risked supply chain exclusion over repeat offences in Indonesia.
The news portal International Palm Oil Monitor – quoting the claims of CRR and Aidenvironment – said evidence had emerged that FGV was continuing to clear peat forest, contrary to its policies and industry standards, on its PT TAA plantation.
FGV was quoted by The Star as saying: “PT TAA’s natural forest has been completely destroyed by massive forest fires in the 1980’s and in 1997, and also by continuous logging operations by logging companies and by the local communities, before the acquisition of PT TAA’s land by FGV.
“FGV has complied with Rountable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) New Planting Procedure (NPP) 2010 and procured all necessary approvals from the relevant authorities in Indonesia in respect of the development of PT TAA’s land which commenced in late 2014.”
FGV said said the assessor’s measurements showed the buffer zone area on the east side of PT TAA’s concession had not been damaged by land clearing and that there was also no encroachment in the identified high conservation value (HCV) areas.
It also pointed there were no repeat offences related to peat forest clearance by PT TAA or PT Citra Niaga Perkasa (PT CNP), according to The Star report.
“The clearance in 2015 of 191.8ha of HCV area in PT CNP was made at the instructions of the local community to the contractor without PT CNP’s knowledge and approval.
“The incident has been reported by FGV to the RSPO in 2016 and a satisfactory solution has been agreed upon. No other offences have taken place since then. Therefore, FGV denies that it is a serious repeat offender of RSPO principles and criteria,” it said. -FMT

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