Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Hadi grateful, won't forget gov't help on Act 355

MUKTAMAR | PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang will not forget the government's help in allowing him to present a motion to amend the syariah penal laws in Parliament.
"We are thankful to the government for giving way which is very precious and meaningful to Islam.
"We will not forget this cooperation, may Allah ease the way forward.
"Remember what the Prophet said, those who are not grateful to others, are not grateful to Allah," Hadi said during his closing speech at the 63rd muktamar in Alor Setar today.
The government had on the final day of the last Dewan Rakyat sitting, April 6, cleared the path for Hadi to table his motion to amend the Syariah Courts (Criminal Jurisdiction) Act 1965 or Act 355.
Hadi's remarks are in sharp contrast to those made by his deputy Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man, who last night said the government's contradictory stand on the bill proved it could not be relied on to uphold Islam.
"(Amendments to) Act 355, the Deputy Prime Minister (Ahmad Zahid Hamidi) said the government would table it, but the Prime Minister (Najib Abdul Razak) said no.
"How can you rely on them? You can't," Tuan Ibrahim had said.
Hadi's proposed amendments seek to raise the punishment cap for syariah offences to 30 years jail, RM100,000 fine and 100 strokes of the cane.
The current syariah punishment cap is three years' imprisonment, RM5,000 fine and six strokes of the cane.
Critics are 'not brave'
In his speech today, Hadi had also slammed opposition lawmakers who tried to prevent him from reading out his motion, by creating distractions.
He also slammed lawmakers who had used harsh language and expressed anger at PAS' attempts to strengthen Islam.
"However recently, you can hear the voices of those who are pulling up their hand breaks and making a U-turn.
"They are not being brave because they are right, but they are afraid because they are wrong," Hadi added.
Critics of the amendments have expressed fear that this is a prelude to the implementation of hudud law and the oppression of non-Muslims.
PAS however maintains that the law will only apply to Muslims.
Hadi had highlighted how the Quran commands Muslims to respect those of other faiths, and to not belittle their beliefs.
One example of how this should be practiced he said, is to not slaughter cows in the open in front of Hindus as this may offend them.
Harapan backed Act 164 amendments
At a press conference after closing the muktamar, Hadi was asked if his gratitude for BN reflected PAS' cooperation with Umno.
He replied: "We will cooperate on what is good, and we will protest when anything is in conflict with Islam."
"For example, PAS disagreed with proposed amendments to Act 164 as we felt it is not appropriate with the reality in Malaysia, but Pakatan Harapan supported it," he added.

"We will work together with anyone for the benefit of the people."
Hadi had called for a review of the proposed amendments to the Law Reform (Marriage and Divorce) Act 1976 or Act 164.
He said the overall implications which may arise from amendments to Act 164 were very serious, particularly the rights of Muslims to practice their religion and defend their faith with no interference from any parties, as enshrined under the Federal Constitution.
Proponents of the amendments said that the law had to be fixed to prevent a spouse from abusing the law to convert their child to Islam in order to gain custody.- Mkini

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