Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Ministry returns brushes to traders, pig bristles were actually goat's hair

The Malacca branch of the Domestic Trade, Cooperatives and Consumerism Ministry (KPNKK) today returned about 200 watercolor brushes and paintbrushes to two shop operators in the state after finding out the brushes were made of goat's hair, reported China Press.
This comes three months after the ministry embarked on nationwide raids following concerns that such brushes were made of pig bristles. 
Hamzah Mahadi, the enforcement chief of Malacca KPDNKK, returned the brushes today, witnessed by state unity and consumer affairs committee chairman Lai Meng Chong. 
According to Lai, the ministry decided to return the items to two hardware shop operators after finding out they were made of goat's hair. 
He urged business owners however, to label the products accordingly, if they are aware of products made of pig bristles. 
The controversy surfaced back in February when Malay daily Berita Harian sent a sample of a paintbrush for analysis, and claimed that the brushes were found to be of porcine origin. 
This triggered the nationwide sweep by the ministry on hardware and even stationary shops, under the Trade Descriptions Order (Item Made of Any Part of Pig or Dog) 2013, which stipulates that items made from pig or dog parts must be placed separately from other items in a shop and clearly labeled as to its origin.
A violation of this order carries a fine of up to RM1 million, up to three years' imprisonment or both, upon conviction.

However, the move by the ministry invited backlash from various parties, including traders' organisations. 
On Feb 9, KPDNKK minister Hamzah Zainuddin announced that he has instructed his officers to stop conducting raids on shops selling pig bristles brushes. 
Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak had also remarked that the seizures were done in a hasty manner. - Mkini

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