Monday, May 29, 2017


PETALING JAYA – Saying Malay nationalism no longer existed, former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad today claimed that these days if they were not offered money, contracts or positions, the Malays would not be bothered to save Malaysia.
In his latest blog post, the PPBM chairman – who authored “The Malay Dilemma” – feared that Malays would disappear from the face of the earth if this culture replaced Malay nationalism.
“Will history books one day contain a paragraph that reads ‘Once, there was a race known as the Malays but they have since become extinct due to avarice’? Only God knows.”
Malaysia’s longest serving PM said he grew up in an era when people were opposing the Malayan Union and fighting against colonial rule.
During that time, Mahathir said, the only thing that prompted him and his friends to fight for such a cause and spend whatever money they had on it, was to ensure success, without expecting anything in return.
The Malays, he lamented, had since changed. There no longer existed any love for the race and the country, he claimed.
“Being nationalistic is seen as being racist. We are embarrassed about Malay pride.”
Mahathir’s post comes two days after more than 1,000 PPBM members in Perak quit the party allegedly due to discontentment over president Muhyiddin Yassin’s handling of the organisation.
PPBM Ipoh Timur division chief Azrul Suhadi Ahmad Mokhtar, who led the resignation, said Muhyiddin had failed to resolve conflicts at the national and state levels despite being given a week to do so.
PPBM Youth chief Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman later accused vice-president Hamidah Osman of masterminding the resignations and challenged her to leave the party.
Syed Saddiq also called Hamidah, the former Gopeng Umno Wanita chief, a “hypocrite”, claiming she was upset with Muhyiddin’s decision not to name her as PPBM Perak state chief.
He said Hamidah had been the biggest supporter of Muhyiddin, right until Ahmad Faizal Azumu was named the party’s Perak chief instead of her.

1 comment:

  1. Assalamu alaikum warohmatullahi wabarakatu.
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