Monday, May 1, 2017

Opposition leaders give Workers’ Day rally a miss

Sungai Siput MP Dr Michael Jeyakumar says absence of political leaders not a big issue as rally meant for workers.

KUALA LUMPUR: Organisers of the Workers’ Day rally here today shrugged off the low attendance and absence of major opposition figures, declaring themselves satisfied with the turnout.
Sungai Siput MP Dr Michael Jeyakumar of Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM), which was the main organiser, said he was happy with the turnout.
He said the rally was especially meant for workers.
“The absence of leaders of political parties, including those from the opposition, is not a big issue,” he said.
“This is a platform for the people. If they (political party leaders) had turned up, they would have to join the procession like the rest of us,” he said when met by reporters.
About 500 people – a far cry from the thousands in previous years – attended the rally which began at the compound of Masjid Negara. The participants then marched in procession to Jalan Bukit Bintang where they dispersed at about 1pm without incident.
Opposition parties that sent lower-level representatives included Amanah and DAP.
PSM workers bureau committee member M Sivaranjani said all relevant organisations including political parties were invited to send representatives to the rally.
Besides PSM, the organisers of this year’s rally included 15 NGOs.
Sivaranjani said the rally highlighted 22 demands, one of which was a call to set up a workers’ retrenchment fund that would pay employees in cases where employers went bankrupt or did not give any compensation.
Other demands included calling for the government to abolish the Sedition Act 1948 which oppressed workers and to guarantee the rights of the disabled (OKU).-FMT

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