Monday, May 1, 2017

'PSD scholars warned criticising gov't can cost them scholarship'

The Public Service Department in a briefing yesterday warned scholarship recipients that they may lose their sponsorship if they criticised the government, according to a Sin Chew Daily report.
The report said this was among six 'don'ts' outlined to some 1,000 students who received 9A+ or more in their SPM and will be sponsored by the PSD for their tertiary education.
"Once the government finds out that any PSD scholars openly criticise the government, it would be appropriate to revoke their scholarships.
"The government provides funds to students to further their studies so that they can acquire knowledge and become professionals, therefore their responsibility is to focus on their studies.

"Why spread fake news that is inaccurate, baseless, and spoils the government's reputation?" PSD director-general Zainal Rahim Seman was quoted as saying.
Zainal Rahim said the rules governing the sponsorship this year remain the same as past PSD scholarships.
This year, the PSD scholarships only offers students to study locally amid revenue constraints, claimed to be due to the fall in oil prices. -Mkini

1 comment:

  1. Doesn't he realised that PHD scholarship....
    is government monies..collected and funded from taxs collection
    from the rakyat ..regardless of races/ideology or politically


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