Monday, May 1, 2017

When a game of chess meets chastity

YOURSAY | 'For men who see temptation in every woman's clothes, the only solution is removing their eyes.'
Determined Sarawakian: A game of chess is a game of chase; Only in Malaysia, there's such chaste; But if you dress appropriately, it's chastity; Or else the reality of checkmate becomes a 'chase'.
Wg321: The barred competitor at the National Scholastic Chess Championship 2017 is just a 12-year-old kid, and her dress is so old fashioned. The word "aroused" does not even come into my mind.
The two officers responsible must be religious fanatics influenced by PAS or by pure Wahhabism practiced by Saudi Arabia.
If Umno and PAS were to form the next federal government after the 14th general election, we are going to face similar problems all over the country, including Sabah and Sarawak.
They always think of sex instead of the serious economic problems facing the country.
Ferdtan: Hide your 12-year-old daughters or granddaughters when you see these two adults around - the tournament director and the chief arbiter of National Scholastic Chess Championship.
Prudent: It is possible that they are paedophiles, since they can find a 12-year-old girl's knee length skirt to be 'irresistible'.
The police should check their backgrounds and their PCs, laptops and smartphones. We don't want another tragedy to befall prepubescent boys or girls.
Ah Hoe: Only the tournament director was the one with sex and lust on his dirty mind. The chief arbitrator only carried out the director's instructions, so don't blame an innocent man.
Indah: For men who see temptation in any and every woman's clothing, the ultimate solution is to have their eyes removed.
Doc: The SEA Games which will be held in KL is fast approaching. I am very concerned on how the Malaysian government is going to manage the athletes who will be coming from non-Islamic countries like Thailand, Vietnam, Myanmar, Cambodia, Singapore, Philippine, and not-Islamic-enough countries like Indonesia.
Most of athletes will be dressed in attire that are specific to the sport that they are competing in, and hence most will be deemed "revealing" by our ultra-conservative Malaysian civil service standards.
For example, the sports attire of ladies taking part in swimming and track and field events from the above countries will be causing massive arousal among many of our conservative Muslim men who will be left in charge of managing the events.
We certainly don't want foreign athletes to be banned for not complying with Malaysia's ultra conservative dress code. I suggest the Malaysian government look into this dilemma before the SEA Games starts in August.
Abasir: I urge everyone to be a bit more understanding here. Given that the permissible age of marriage (and sex) for girls has been set at nine for at least one culture, it is very possible the faithful adhering to the tenets of such a culture might find the slightly exposed legs of a twelve-year-old causing an unbearable stir in unmentionable regions.
Such stirring (or "naik" in local parlance), I must say, will be most incongruous in a "scholastic" event, especially one held at a place populated largely by moral exemplars - Putrajaya!
Debater: During the 1960s, I was in my youth and I recall my Muslim Malays friends had their Malay culture intact. We ate together, went to ronggeng and joget dances together.
My wife sometimes wore Malay dress, such as the baju kurung. Nowadays the young Malays have lost their own culture and are instead aping how Muslims dress in Arab countries. Practice of Islam, like that of any other religion, has a cultural dimension to it.
Arabs were the first converts and its cultural practices are not Islamic practices. As Islam spreads to other cultures, surely there is no conflict between native cultures and the tenets of Islam.
One does not have to dress like an Arab to be a good Muslim. Their dress code is suited more for the dry, hot and dusty environment of the desert rather than a humid country like Malaysia.
Anon1: Boycott all national sponsored chess tournaments. Let the perverts and their stupid lot compete among themselves only. Who knows, maybe the queen chess piece will be removed from the board to make the game more compliant.

Tony Soprano: Oh, dear me. I'm confused and strangely excited just from reading this. - Mkini

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