Saturday, July 1, 2017

Kerr puts Mrs MO1 in a ‘pink’ dilemma

YOURSAY | ‘Someone is clearly now between a rock and a hard place.’
CQ Muar: Mrs Malaysian Official 1 (MO1), with this, it would be the second recipient - allegedly out of 1MDB funds - to surrender their gifts to US Department of Justice (DOJ). First, it was Hollywood superstar Leonardo DiCaprio and now Australian model Miranda Kerr.
Isn't this enough evidence to prove that those gifts so "generously" given by Jho Low exist and allegedly sourced from the US$620 million which MO1 claimed had been returned to its donor (the Saudi royalty)?
Without further ado, we now anxiously await another recipient; none other than the one who benefited with that enviable, shimmering and glittering pink pendant and necklace.
To return or not to return - that is the big question, right? The entire world will now be anxiously watching and waiting for the answer.
Kim Quek: Kerr’s prompt surrender of the multi-million dollar diamonds reflects her class and the good values of the society she lives in.
What about the wife of a certain leader of a self-professed model Islamic country, who was similarly gifted with diamonds purchased with money allegedly stolen from the people?
Will she show some class by similarly surrendering the diamonds which would at least go some way towards mitigating the wrong done by allegedly receiving stolen goods in the first place?
Headhunter: Someone is now between a rock and a hard place. To return the diamonds is to confirm that the alleged thievery has taken place and a humiliation.
Not returning them would have the issue hang over her head until the diamonds are found. And wearing or selling them anytime in the future is totally out of the question.
Shunyata: The DOJ is more brilliant than we give them credit for. Through this series of events, they have shown, amidst all the denials, that the man, Jho Low, exists; that his gifts exist, and so too the recipients of these unholy items of bling.
They didn't need to demand the hand-in of what were gifted to the spouse of MO1 to prove the gifts also exist.
If they were accurate in naming Kerr, a mega-celebrity (whose name they wouldn't want to tarnish for no good reason) as a recipient of Jho Low's surreal present, they are unlikely to be degrees off with an equally, if not more important figure, like the spouse of MO1.
SusahKes: What can we say? An icon, whose chosen career is sometimes derided by the "morally upright" because of its reputation as a reflector of the “decadent, hedonistic, self-seeking West”, has actually shown more moral fibre than many of our religion-spouting personalities.
Negarawan: Perhaps Jho Low was not educated sufficiently by his parents that money can't buy him love. I doubt that Kerr's husband, Snapchat co-founder Evan Spiegel, has ever had the need to spend as much as Jho Low had on her.
Apparently, the DOJ has not reported yet on the gifts given to Paris Hilton. And when is Mrs MO1 going to return her alleged gifts back to the rakyat?
The fact that Kerr and DiCaprio returned all the items specified in the DOJ lawsuit is yet another confirmation of the accuracy and veracity of the information contained in the lawsuit.
Speaking Sense: No doubt, someone will say these are just imaginary jewellery, mere insinuations, some sinister conspiracy by the opposition to make sure those who are guilty are punished - justice is a dirty word and something alien to Umno/BN culture, where crime and corruption are glorified as long as you get away with it by any means (read, foul) - and more motivation for the likes of attorney-general Mohamed Apandi Ali, ministers Salleh Said Keruak and Abdul Rahman Dahlan to say more stupid things in desperate, but childish, cover-up of the alleged crimes of comic hero MO1 and his Wanda Wo-man (alias the Girl with the Pink Diamond).
Gaji Buta: Someone just needs to step forward and show evidence that Mrs MO1 has the pink diamond. Then all the pieces will fall into place. We need a hero. Who will he/she be? A monument may be erected for you.
Telestai!: As a junior auditor, one of the key principles taught by a Universiti Malaya law professor was "Nemo dat quod non habet". In simple English - one cannot pass on good title to another person if the property is stolen.
Well done, Kerr, you have done the most sensible thing.
FairMind: How big will the scoop be if Malaysiakini could do an interview with Kerr, the globe-trotting Paris Hilton and Taiwanese Mandopop singer Elva Hsiao, all of them have been wooed with mega-millions by Jho Low?
To say the least, they have the foresight to ditch him. The interview will surely become a sensation in Malaysia since Malaysians are so hitched up on sex scandals. Nothing would bring MO1 and wife down faster than a juicy sex scandal of epic international proportion.
Malaysiakini can even sell the rights to Hollywood to make a movie blockbuster.
Anonymous 1424794168: Jho Low, find someone who loves you unconditionally and not because of the ill-gotten monies you splashed on these women.
At such a young age, you are already living as a fugitive. If I were you, I would rather come clean with the authorities and cleanse my soul and seek forgiveness from my god for all the wrongdoings I've done to my beloved country.
No amount of money can buy a person's dignity.
Tony Soprano: A short Google perusal reveals that Hsiao's jewels and engagement ring were delivered via two parachutists on the beach of the exclusive Dubai Atlantis Hotel.
She was impressed but since Jho Low was two years younger, she could only consider him a "little brother". She then went through one or two boyfriends and her current one is 12 years younger.
No mention of "little brother" as far as the Taiwanese-American tennis player named Michael Chen is concerned. And what am I doing reading news about Taiwanese pop stars?

Anonymous #28648954: Look what you've done, Malaysiakini. Now I can't get that Beatles song out of my head.- Mkini

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