Friday, June 2, 2017

Parking dispute goes viral after woman loses both slippers over a space [VIDEO]

A composed, and level-headed woman settled a parking dispute in a KL area market.
While her children looked on, the woman calmly told the driver of another vehicle that they were, perhaps, mistaken in their attempts to find a free space. They then all laughed, and carried on with their respective days.
JK! Watch a lady totally lose it, pound the windows and windscreen of a car, then throw not one, but both of her slippers at the vehicle, while arguing over a parking space.
Her kids were there though, that part wasn’t a joke. Learning a precious lesson on how to settle their differences.

People, there are better ways to express your displeasure without losing both your shoes and becoming Internet fodder, OK? Maybe even use gentle words and kindness, so that the other person, instead of filming your angry a**, actually feels like the jerk. Or you can just flip a slipper. Whatever works for you.
Watch the video here.

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