Thursday, June 1, 2017

PAS leader tells Amanah advisor to mind his own business

PAS ulama wing information chief Khairuddin Aman Razali has advised Parti Amanah Negara (Amanah) advisor Ahmad Awang to mind his own business and not meddle in PAS' affairs. 
"Please take care of your own party which appears to be lost in terms of its struggle.
"Ahmad seems to be facing some internal conflicts, which is why he is forcing others to accept his views," Khairuddin told Sinar Harian.
Khairuddin was responding to Ahmad's claim that he was forced to challenge PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang for the post as the grassroots in the party felt they no longer had room to raise differing opinions.
Ahmad, who claimed he was sidelined within the Muslim community following that, quit the party and joined PAS splinter Amanah.
"He can't claim we are not a democratic party and leave to form a new one because his views are rejected. 
"We must remember that in a democractic party, some views are accepted and some aren't," he reportedly said. 
He added that in the muktamar - the party's annual general assembly and its highest decision making body - all decisions are made through a majority vote. 
"We can't start labelling others just because our views have not been accepted," he said. 
Ahmad earlier told Malaysiakini that many mosques in Selangor which he has lectured at for years, stopped allowing him to speak after he challenged Hadi for the presidency.

The former Persatuan Ulama Malaysia president said that while some mosques had informed him directly, others just keep cancelling his talks claiming there is a scheduling change. 
He said he later found that his regular slots were filled by religious speakers linked to Hadi. 
In response, Selangor PAS chief Sallehen Mukhyi said it is down to the mosque's preference and that the state does not interfere in such administration while Selangor Menteri Besar Azmin Ali said the state must follow regulations on speaking at mosques. - Mkini

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