Friday, June 2, 2017

PKR Youth says alleged payment proves political conspiracy

PKR Youth wings across the nation will lodge police reports urging the authorities to investigate Sarawak Report's latest accusation against the prime minister and his alleged link to a prominent senior lawyer.
The whistleblower website had alleged that the lawyer received RM9.5 million from one of Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak’s bank accounts two years ago.
Describing the latest expose as a "damning revelation", PKR Youth deputy chief Dr Afif Bahardin said that "it is now proven there was a hidden hand" involved in a high-profile court case.
"The report supports the theory that there was a political conspiracy..," Afif told Malaysiakini.
Timing questioned
Afif questioned the timing of the alleged payment, where the money was purportedly transferred to the lawyer from one of Najib's bank accounts which received funds from SRC International Sdn Bhd, a former subsidiary of 1MDB.
"The money was transferred two weeks before the Federal Court reversed… (the lower court decision in the case)," said the Seberang Jaya assemblyman.
Afif urged attorney-general Mohamed Apandi Ali and inspector-general of police Khalid Abu Bakar to investigate the report.
"We know you were appointed by Najib but this matter involves not only the integrity of the prime minister, but also the lawyer and the entire judiciary," said the Penang executive councillor.
Afif said he was appalled at the manner in which court cases are conducted in the country if the allegations in Sarawak Report were true.
"If the claims are true, there is no more rule of law…, and we should not call ourselves a democracy," Afif lamented.
PM cleared of wrongdoing
Apandi had cleared Najib of wrongdoing in January last year, while the premier had denied taking money for personal gains.
Najib said he was not aware of receiving the SRC money, and had thought that the money was part of the multiple multi-billion ringgit deposits.
Apandi also reiterated Najib's stand that the multi-billion deposit was a "donation" from a member of the Saudi royalty.

Malaysiakini is contacting the lawyer in question for comment and is withholding his name pending a response.
The news portal has also contacted the prime minister's press secretary Tengku Sharifuddin Tengku Ahmad for his response to the allegation.
While Najib has repeatedly denied abusing public funds, pro-government supporters have accused Sarawak Report and its London-based editor Claire Rewcastle-Brown of being part of a campaign to oust the prime minister using false allegations.- Mkini

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