Sunday, July 23, 2017

Ninety-nine pct of allegations against Rosmah untrue, says aide.

Ninety-nine percent of the opposition's allegations about the prime minister's wife Rosmah Mansor are untrue, said the prime minister's special officer Rizal Mansor.
Among these, he said, are the allegations that Rosmah has control over his husband Najib Abdul Razak and his administration, and even has an office in the Prime Minister's Office (PMO).
However, he said, the truth is that the office had existed during the tenure of Najib's predecessors Dr Mahathir Mohamad and Abdullah Badawi, and was scrapped during Najib's tenure.
"Yes the Office of the Prime Minister's Wife existed in the PMO during the tenures of the fourth and fifth prime ministers, but during Najib's era, the office is no longer there and Rosmah had never stepped into it.
"They reversed the fact. Why? Because Rosmah said she does not need the office because she doesn't want to go to the office. She didn't like to go to the office," Rizal said while launching the Kelana Jaya Umno youth divisional meeting today.

He said the office is located next to the prime minister's own office and is a place for spouses of foreign dignitaries to go when the prime minister receives official visits.
However, Rosmah preferred to receive the guests at the couple’s official residence at Seri Perdana instead.
He added that on contrary to the allegations against her, Rosmah only goes to the PMO twice a year: When PMO staff throw a birthday party for Najib, and when the PMO hosts an open house.
[More to follow]

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