Sunday, July 23, 2017

Nothing to Hide: What’s there to fear, Mahathir asks PM, Nazri

The Pakatan Harapan chairman says he will accept ‘any representative’ of PM Najib Razak.
KUALA LUMPUR: Pakatan Harapan chairman Dr Mahathir Mohamad is prepared to take on any representative of Prime Minister Najib Razak during the “Nothing to Hide 2.0” forum.
But he also questioned the need for such a representative saying that Najib and his “warrior” Nazri Aziz shouldn’t be afraid to face him.
“Come lah Nazri and Najib, what’s there to be afraid of? I’m just an old man.
“Are you afraid of an old man?”
The 92-year-old former prime minister was speaking to reporters at a Raya open house here today.
He was asked if he would accept an offer to debate Umno supreme council member Puad Zarkashi, instead of Najib.
Puad had made the offer on Friday, saying if Mahathir was serious about finding out the truth on 1MDB, “I offer myself to debate with him in the ‘Nothing to Hide 2.0’ forum”.
Mahathir said he would accept “any representative” at the forum, scheduled to take place at Dewan Raja Muda Musa, Shah Alam, at 3pm this Aug 13.
He had earlier this week invited Najib to the forum, saying the two can have a discussion on how he enriched his children as well as how the prime minister had RM2.6 billion in his personal accounts.
The first such forum was to be held in 2015. It saw Najib agreeing to make an appearance but he did not turn up after police advised him against it, citing security concerns.
Mahathir, who came unannounced, took to the stage instead to address the audience of about 2,000 people.
He spoke for six minutes before he was forced to stop by police and pulled off-stage. -FMT

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