Tuesday, August 1, 2017

PAC and audit chiefs are now proven stooges

MPSPEAK | Malaysians are aghast, but perhaps not surprised, that both the new auditor-general Madinah Mohamad and the PAC chairperson Hasan Arifin have decided against pursuing the 1MDB investigations and audit further.
This is despite the fact that the US Department of Justice (DOJ) had over the past one year, revealed new explosive evidence and details of how the billions of dollars of 1MDB funds have been misappropriated, stolen and laundered all around the world.
Most incriminatingly, the US DOJ suits detailed how more than US$732 million (RM3.1 billion) flowed in and out of the Prime Minister's personal bank account between 2011 and 2014.
Even the most partial observers would have to concede that there is a prima facie case to investigate the flow of funds, to determine the veracity of the allegations contained in the US DOJ report.
The investigators in the US did not pluck these transactions out of the sky, but have meticulously corroborated all evidence with all the international banks across the world from global banks like Standard Chartered Bank to private banks like Falcon Bank of Switzerland.
None of the above transactions were investigated or were made available to the previous Auditor-General Report by the then auditor-general Ambrin Buang as well as the PAC Report tabled in Parliament in April 2016.
The auditor-general then had reprimanded 1MDB for refusing to hand over its foreign bank account statements and transaction verifications despite multiple requests.
However, even without the above, there was sufficient damning evidence of abuse and mismanagement within 1MDB for the PAC to table its critical report last year.
Now, with the scale of new explosive details of the scandal surfacing since the April 2016 report, any God-fearing and responsible auditor-general or PAC chairperson would have demanded a re-opening of their investigations.
While the PAC had a meeting yesterday to receive the latest Auditor-General's Report, there was no discussion of pursuing the 1MDB investigations.
Instead, Hasan unilaterally told the media that the committee will not re-open the case.
On the other hand, Madinah merely added her department would do so only if it receives instructions from the Cabinet. Such instruction would never come of course, given the blatant conflict of interests involved with the Finance and Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak directly implicated in the massive scandal.
Their refusal to pursue the investigations only serves to entrench the rakyat's perception that they are stooges installed by Najib to protect the latter from the outrageous scandal.

After all, it has been exposed previously that Madinah is or was a Kepong Umno division member where her husband is the division chairperson, Rizuan Abdul Hamid, had openly expressed his willingness to "die for Najib".
On the other hand, Hasan was installed as the PAC chairperson after the previous chairperson Nur Jazlan was "promoted" to deputy minister. Hasan had, in his own words, rejected the need to summon Najib to the PAC because he has to "cari makan".
These top officials have betrayed the interest of the rakyat and are traitors to their race, religion and nation. If they have any iota of honour left in them, they should resign from their positions and let others who have the interest of Malaysians at heart take over these posts.- Mkini

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