Friday, September 29, 2017

Living separate lives under the Malaysian sun

YOURSAY | ‘Cleanliness is important to all of us, regardless if one is a Muslim or not.’
Rojak: I'm all for cleanliness, whether it is for religious or hygienic purposes. But I wonder why there is more emphasis on things like laundrettes and water cups in schools than on streets, toilets and other public spaces.
I often hear visitors from other countries expressing shock at seeing a relatively wealthy country like Malaysia having more rubbish on the streets and dirtier toilets than many poorer countries.
Surely the garbage and resultant blocked ‘longkangs’ (drains) must be linked to the increase in dengue and other diseases. So, just how serious are people when they talk about cleanliness?
Anon1: “If we look at the issue from an Islamic perspective, cleanliness is very important to us and something we must strive for at all times," said the laundrette operator.
I don't blame him for this bigotry. The problem lies with the people he turns to for religious guidance.
Meerkat: Well, it's possible that the proprietor is just ignorant and not a racist. Indeed, if that is the case, then the issue shifts to the kind of religious teachings he has received.
Léon Moch: The laundrette owner and his Muslim supporters are trying to explain away his action by telling the non-Muslims that they are doing this just because Islam requires Muslims to be clean. They say this as if the statement immediately clears the air. It does not.
In fact, it makes things worse because the implication of saying this is that non-Muslims are inherently unclean and thus must be barred from the laundromat.
Tholu: What has cleanliness got to do with religion? Is he saying that adherents of any other religions and beliefs other than Islam are impure and dirty?
For his information, an atheist can be cleaner than a so-called religious person. Would a sewage treatment plant worker be denied use of the launderette even if he is a Muslim since he may have come into contact with human and pet faeces flushed out of toilet bowls?
Cleanliness here could only mean untainted purity of thought, deed and speech - not how much body soap you use unto yourself.
Is bodily cleanliness of a person and his clean garments a criterion to be called "clean" even if he is a kleptocrat?
Anonymous 246586149162205626: What happens when shops start putting up notices saying only specific races are welcome?
Of course, politicians will get worked up if Muslims are affected but they don’t give two hoots when non-Muslims are affected.
Gaji Buta: Is this any different from job ads that state 'must speak Mandarin'? I mean, are we in China? I see ulterior intentions in such ads.
Authorities should request such employers to prove that Mandarin is essential for the job, and this does not include the excuse that no one else in the firm can speak Bahasa Malaysia.
Whether they subsequently hire or not is another issue.
Keturunan Malaysia: For me, I really do not care what this laundrette operator wants or does not want to do so long as he does not break any of the laws of the land.
However, in this country of ours especially during this present time, what started off with "just one inch" can evolve to "one mile".
Hamzah Paiman: Muslims used to laugh at Hindus for practising ‘sistem kasta’ (caste system). The untouchables. Now we are seeing ‘sistem kasta’ being practised by some Muslims in our country.
Think: Cleanliness is very important to all of us and it is something we are all striving for at all times regardless if one is a Muslim or not.
One does not automatically become clean from all impurities simply because of being labelled a Muslim. And one does not automatically become unclean with all impurities simply because of being labelled a non-Muslim.
Ksn: Cleanliness applies to all people and all religions, not just Islam and Muslims. Perhaps the laundrette operator never heard the phrase “Cleanliness is next to Godliness”. That is universal saying and not confined to just Muslims.
Victor Johan: The viewpoints by Amanah vice-president Hasanuddin Mohd Yunus is commendable.
The stance taken by this laundrette operator is obviously bad for his or her business. The non-Muslims in the area who want to do laundry are not in desperation to go there as they could surely have that done at other laundrette facilities in the neighbourhood.
David Dass: This nonsense of Muslim-only launderettes could trigger a wave of Malay-only, Chinese-only and Indian-only businesses.
We occasionally see job advertisements and room rentals that prescribe that only persons of a certain race need apply. There are some condominiums that do not want students from Africa or who want to prohibit the use of the swimming pools to people from Africa.
In most Western countries, such practices would be deemed illegal. Although it must be said that these forms of racism were endemic in the West not so long ago.
We are a multiracial and multi-religious country. We cannot adopt for ourselves practices that will result in segregated existences for each race. We must remember when we import influences from countries like Saudi Arabia that they do not have any experience of diversity.
Someone must put a stop to this kind of nonsense. Consider this. Many Muslims do not visit the homes of their friends for fear of drinking and eating from tainted utensils. Many Muslims will not enter a church or temple to attend the funeral or wedding of close friends.

Students at schools and universities express a preference to be only with their own kind. Ninety percent or more of Chinese kids go to Chinese primary schools, and 50 percent or more of Indian kids go to Tamil primary schools and many Malay kids go to Muslim religious schools.
More and more, we live separate lives. Is no one concerned?- Mkini

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