Tuesday, October 31, 2017


PAS has demanded an apology from former Bar Council chairperson Ambiga Sreenevasan over the allegation that the Islamist party received some RM90 million from Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak.
The allegation is now the subject of a defamation suit filed in the UK against Sarawak Report editor Claire Rewcastle-Brown by PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang.
Yesterday, Malaysiakini reported that Rewcastle-Brown, who is based in London, had mentioned Ambiga as her source in her court filings.
PAS vice-president Idris Ahmad said as an activist who champions human rights, Ambiga should admit and apologise for her alleged actions.
“She should apologise as a lawyer who champions integrity, justice and clean elections… It is not proper for her (to remain quiet),” Idris told reporters when met at Parliament.
Ambiga had told Malaysiakini yesterday that she cannot comment on the matter as it involved a court proceeding.
In her Oct 11 filing, Rewcastle-Brown claimed that Ambiga told her of Najib’s relationship with PAS, including the alleged financial arrangements between the two parties, and the motivations behind it.
“Ambiga had told the defendant that her sources, whom she said were reliable, had estimated the amount that had been paid was around RM90 million,” her document states.
Rewcastle-Brown said she published parts of her conversation with Ambiga – in the form of an article in Sarawak Report – in good faith as a political commentary on a matter of public interest and concern.
Idris also questioned the ethics of Sarawak Report for publishing an allegation based on a source.
Prior to making such a claim, he said, Sarawak Report should have traced the purported financial transaction to determine the veracity of the allegation.
“…All this time, they (Sarawak Report) were able to trace information from the US Department of Justice regarding the RM2.6 billion in Najib’s accounts. So, why did they rely on hearsay from Ambiga on this issue (concerning PAS)?” he asked.
Similarly, PAS information chief Nasruddin Hassan also urged Ambiga to break her silence on the matter, which has soiled the party’s image.
“As a lawyer, Ambiga must respond promptly. Who is her source? Was it just an assumption (on her part that PAS received money from Najib)?” Nasruddin asked.
– M’kini

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