Monday, October 30, 2017

Dialogue or anti-Penang government bashing?

ADUN SPEAKS | The dialogue organised by Penang Forum, a loose coalition of civil society groups in Penang yesterday on floods and hill developments, can hardly be described as informative one.
The manner of questions and responses from the participants clearly showed that they were more interested in bashing the Penang state government for the occurrence of floods and landslides.
The recent landslide at a Tanjung Bungah hillslope development that cost the lives of 11 was perhaps what spurred the organisers to hold the dialogue.
While the elected representatives were invited, only one member from the DAP, four from PKR and a few from Umno showed up at the dialogue session.
Apart from a few professionals who gave their assessment on the causes of floods and landslides, their voices were drowned by those who were critical of the Penang government.

Invariably, the Umno elected representatives who were present became the natural champions of Penang Forum.
They promised to take up the issues pertaining to floods and landslides in next month’s sitting of the Penang state assembly.
The reception that was given to Umno representatives clearly indicated that some participants at the dialogue session were more keen to strike an accord with them to embarrass that Penang government.
A key fact overlooked
A few participants, especially the vocal ones, took exception to those elected representatives who did turn up at the session. They overlooked the key fact that Penang Forum never arranged the date and time of the meeting without even consulting members of the state government.
Given the tight work schedule of the elected representatives, many could not turn up. For not turning up, they were ridiculed and one participant even raised his voice saying that they were busy attending Deepavali open houses.

His message was simply this: why did the representatives missed such an important event by attending non-important events like Deepavali open houses?
If some members of Penang Forum have no respect for religious and cultural events of Indians, Chinese or Malays, then what higher rights they are talking about?
Would they say similar things about Chinese or Malay religious or cultural festivals?
Did their non-presence indicate that they had committed some unpardonable sins?
Why did the participant single out the Deepavali open houses for insult and ridicule? Thus, for those who missed the session, could it be concluded that they missed out a "once in a lifetime opportunity", so much so that religious events could be disparaged?
Not only was an Indian religious event disparaged, another participant went to the extent of asking members of the state government to step down if they could not fulfil the wishes of the people.
Voices of sanity, objectivity, lost
The voices of sanity and objectivity were completely lost in a session that was meant to search for answers about flood and landslides in Penang.
However, sad to say, a few participants, especially those who were loud and boisterous, hijacked the session that wittingly or unwittingly served the interests of those on the other side of the political divide.
What an irony! A small group calling themselves as Penang Forum adopting “we know the best approach” and passing judgments on others, especially on members of the state government.
What superior knowledge do these members have in adopting a “we know it all” approach?
The Penang government is open to criticisms on its policies in relation to flood mitigation and on hillside developments.
But what we find not acceptable is the move by some members of Penang Forum to suggest the replacement of the government.
Clearly, some of those who attended the dialogue session came with a sinister political agenda.
They wanted to use and manipulate the recent landslide to create doubts about the sincerity of the state government in addressing floods and landslides.
I hope these leaders of civil society do not delude themselves into thinking that they were acting on behest of the vast majority.
I think that irrational, illogical and delusional thinking might have got into their heads to the extent that they believe they were on a righteous course to save the people of Penang from the "irresponsible" Penang government.
What is surprising is the fact that these “piped pipers” are totally oblivious to "sins" committed by the former state government - and yet willing to join forces with them to undermine the popularly-elected state government.

P RAMASAMY is Penang Deputy Chief Minister II and Perai assemblyperson.- Mkini

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