Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Kid-glove treatment for certain titled men

YOURSAY | ‘A 29-year-old Datuk Seri? This makes a mockery of the esteemed title.’
Anonymous 381541456985626: I am bemused by our country giving titles to anybody who doesn't deserve it, other than having money either through legal or illegal means.
I was all the while thought and brought up with the idea that titles are given to the individuals who have contributed to the nation locally or internationally for services which made a difference to the society or country.
Besides that, to hold a title an individual must be of certain age to indicate their maturity in the field they have contributed.
Anonymous #95676433: Long ago, I was told that every year the state governor, MB, and BN party (MCA, Umno, MIC, etc) is given an allocation of titles which are allegedly given to their supporters, etc.
That is why there are so many young titled people. Worse still, we also noticed recently all the children of one VIP having titles, every single one of them!
Drngsc: I quote, "...He (Zahid) added that anyone with titles is not beyond the law."
Are you sure? What about Malaysian Official 1 (MO1) who is alleged (with overwhelming evidence) to have taken 1MDB money and banked it into his personal account?
Of course, he is your boss. Isn’t he above the law?
Mindful: We agree nobody is above the law but some people can escape the law in Malaysia.
Until today, we are not even clear on what “corruption” is as each one is interpreting it in their own way. It looks like even the word “corruption” is now “corrupted”.
Abasir: Remember how in 2014 the Selangor sultan rescinded former deputy premier Anwar Ibrahim's datukship that was awarded to him back in 1992?
I guess this 29-year-old alleged VIP's title is safe because his act of assault and battery of uniformed personnel is not as serious.
Ng Jooi Eing: How come this Datuk Seri has such privileged treatment? As claimed by Zahid, they knew who and where he is, and yet not arresting him and instead waited for him to surrender?
Could this give him the window of opportunity to negotiate with the alleged victims?
Demi Rakyat: This Datuk Seri is 29 years old? In Malaysia, it appears that money can get you anything.
In any case, he has disgraced his datuk seri-ship and the person who conferred the award to him. Strip him of the title. Better still, charge him for insulting the royalty!
Concerned public: A Dato Seri at 29 years of age - it makes a mockery of the other Datuk Seris who have earned their titles through hard work or have excelled in their profession. Expose him and expose the state that awarded him the title.
We are sick of titled people misbehaving and getting away with it.
Peabrain: Indeed, what was his age when he got the Dato Seri title?
Anonymous 240119145646314: Make it a rule - only those above 45 years old can be awarded the datukship. What’s so difficult about that?
KSD: Like this, I also want to, er, acquire a Datuk or Datuk Seri title.
If I commit a crime, the home minister himself will politely ask me to report to the police station instead of sending armed-to-the-teeth police officers in balaclavas to arrest me in the middle of the night.
Anonymous 2475871497500343: When the Datuk award was initially introduced, it was exclusive and the recipients were well-deserved.
Now look at those newly appointed Datuks from certain states in the last two decades, most of them have one thing in common - they only have a major role in "business activities" but do not have outstanding service to the community.
In many cases, the violence committed by these Datuks are due to their newly elevated social status and fancy titles.
The obsession of getting a datukship by businessmen has resulted in a high number of datukships and there goes the joke, "When one throws a stone into a crowd, one is likely to hit a datuk or two."
Anonymous_1372117168: Why should the Datuk Seri not be named? This is the problem with our media.
The names of titled people are often left out. They should be let known and be shamed.
Not Convinced: It is a part of journalistic ethics not to name a person until he or she is charged. The reason being it’s best to wait for the police to complete their investigation as initial reports may not be completely accurate.
The Analyser: It’s the same old story. The story which Malaysians will never acknowledge because they are so insecure. Insecure men do everything within their power to mask their insecurities.
The trappings of wealth, arrogance, righteousness, and demeaning their fellow men - it’s the story of Malaysia. From the PM down to even the commenters in Malaysiakini, who want to name and shame.
Odin Tajué: Judging from what we have seen of the misbehaviour of many title holders, Malaysian honorifics are, of course, valueless. Were I awarded one, I would decline to accept it. Or, if I were already holding one, I would return it.
So, the fact that the yob is a Datuk Seri does not necessarily mean that he is a man of high social stature or of admirable character. So, no surprise there.
But I am amazed at the Rela fellows. They sound like wimps or weaklings to me. Aren’t they trained in physical combat of some sort?
Three of them should have been able to bash the daylight out of this man and cause him to be carried off on a stretcher.- Mkini

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