Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Najib off the hook for 'unintentionally' using BN logo in Dewan Rakyat

The Barisan Nasional logo that appeared during the 'live' television screening in Parliament when Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak tabled Budget 2018 was an unintentional act, Dewan Rakyat speaker Pandikar Amin Mulia said.
Pandikar said he had accepted the explanation and apology given to him for the mistake.
This is according to deputy speaker Ismail Mohamed Said, who read out Pandikar's message in the Dewan Rakyat today.
"I was informed that a total of 804 slides were used during the budget tabling, and only one slide contained (the) BN logo, not the rest," Pandikar said.
"The slide preparation was meant to provide visual support for the prime minister in his speech.
"The showing of (the) BN logo was something unintentional and overlooked by those who prepared the slides.
"I accept the explanation from the party and the apology given to the speaker of Dewan Rakyat for the mistake," he added.
Pandikar then urged the lawmakers to take the incident as a lesson and not to repeat such an error in the future.
"We should abide by and respect the decorum of the House at all times," he said.
[More to follow]

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